Learn About Flight
Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. It is quite versatile and can be used for building any kind of web application. It is built with simplicity in mind and is written in a way that is easy to understand and use.
Important Framework Concepts
Why a Framework?
Here's a short article on why you should use a framework. It's a good idea to understand the benefits of using a framework before you start using one.
Additionally an excellent tutorial has been created by @lubiana. While it doesn't go into great detail about Flight specifically, this guide will help you understand some of the major concepts surrounding a framework and why they are beneficial to use. You can find the tutorial here.
Flight Compared to Other Frameworks
If you are migrating from another framework such as Laravel, Slim, Fat-Free, or Symfony to Flight, this page will help you understand the differences between the two.
Core Topics
Learn how to autoload your own classes in your application.
Learn how to manage routes for your web application. This also includes grouping routes, route parameters and middleware.
Learn how to use middleware to filter requests and responses in your application.
Learn how to handle requests and responses in your application.
Learn how to send responses to your users.
Learn how to use the event system to add custom events to your application.
HTML Templates
Learn how to use the built-in view engine to render your HTML templates.
Learn how to secure your application from common security threats.
Learn how to configure the framework for your application.
Extending Flight
Learn how to extend the framework to with adding your own methods and classes.
Events and Filtering
Learn how to use the event system to add hooks to your methods and internal framework methods.
Dependency Injection Container
Learn how to use dependency injection containers (DIC) to manage your application's dependencies.
Framework API
Learn about the core methods of the framework.
Migrating to v3
Backwards compatibility has for the most part been maintained, but there are some changes that you should be aware of when migrating from v2 to v3.
There are some common issues that you may run into when using Flight. This page will help you troubleshoot those issues.
Flight vs Laravel
What is Laravel?
Laravel is a full-featured framework that has all the bells and whistles and an amazing developer focused ecosystem, but at a cost in performance and complexity. The goal of Laravel is for the developer to have the highest level of productivity and to make common tasks easy. Laravel is a great choice for developers who are looking to build a full-featured, enterprise web application. That comes with some tradeoffs, specifically in terms of performance and complexity. Learning the beginnings of Laravel can be easy, but gaining proficiency in the framework can take some time.
There are also so many Laravel modules that developers often feel like the only way to solve problems is through these modules, when you actually could just use another library or write your own code.
Pros compared to Flight
- Laravel has a huge ecosystem of developers and modules that can be used to solve common problems.
- Laravel has a full-featured ORM that can be used to interact with your database.
- Laravel has an insane amount of documentation and tutorials that can be used to learn the framework.
- Laravel has a built-in authentication system that can be used to secure your application.
- Laravel has podcasts, conferences, meetings, videos, and other resources that can be used to learn the framework.
- Laravel is geared towards a seasoned developer who is looking to build a full-featured, enterprise web application.
Cons compared to Flight
- Laravel has a lot more going on underneath the hood than Flight does. This comes at a dramatic cost in terms of performance. See the TechEmpower benchmarks for more information.
- Flight is geared towards a developer who is looking to build a lightweight, fast, and easy to use web application.
- Flight is geared towards simplicity and ease of use.
- One of Flight's core features is that it does it's best to maintain backwards compatibility. Laravel causes much frustration between major versions.
- Flight is meant for developers who are venturing into the land of frameworks for the first time.
- Flight has no dependencies, whereas Laravel has an atrocious amount of dependencies
- Flight can also do enterprise level applications, but it does not have as much boilerplate code as Laravel does. It will also require more discipline on the part of the developer to keep things organized and well-structured.
- Flight gives the developer more control over the application, whereas Laravel has gobs of magic behind the scenes that can be frustrating.
Migrating to v3
Backwards compatibility has for the most part been maintained, but there are some changes that you should be aware of when migrating from v2 to v3.
Output Buffering Behavior (3.5.0)
Output buffering is the process where the output generated by a PHP script is stored in a buffer (internal to PHP) before being sent to the client. This allows you to modify the output before it is sent to the client.
In an MVC application, the Controller is the "manager" and it manages what the view does. Having output generated outside of the controller (or in Flights case sometimes an anonymous function) breaks the MVC pattern. This change is to be more in line with the MVC pattern and to make the framework more predictable and easier to use.
In v2, output buffering was handled in a way where it wasn't consistently closing it's own output buffer and which made unit testing and streaming more difficult. For the majority of users, this change may not actually affect you. However if you are echoing content outside of callables and controllers (for example in a hook), you likely are going to run into trouble. Echoing out content in hooks, and prior to the framework actually executing may have worked in the past, but it won't work moving forward.
Where you might have problems
// index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// just an example
define('START_TIME', microtime(true));
function hello() {
echo 'Hello World';
Flight::map('hello', 'hello');
Flight::after('hello', function(){
// this will actually be fine
echo '<p>This Hello World phrase was brought to you by the letter "H"</p>';
Flight::before('start', function(){
// things like this will cause an error
echo '<html><head><title>My Page</title></head><body>';
Flight::route('/', function(){
// this is actually just fine
echo 'Hello World';
// This should be just fine as well
Flight::after('start', function(){
// this will cause an error
echo '<div>Your page loaded in '.(microtime(true) - START_TIME).' seconds</div></body></html>';
Turning on v2 Rendering Behavior
Can you still keep your old code the way it is without doing a rewrite to make it work with v3? Yes, you can! You can turn on v2
rendering behavior by setting the flight.v2.output_buffering
configuration option to true
. This will allow you to continue to
use the old rendering behavior, but it is recommended to fix it moving forward. In v4 of the framework, this will be removed.
// index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Flight::set('flight.v2.output_buffering', true);
Flight::before('start', function(){
// Now this will be just fine
echo '<html><head><title>My Page</title></head><body>';
// more code
Dispatcher Changes (3.7.0)
If you have directly been calling static methods for Dispatcher
such as Dispatcher::invokeMethod()
, Dispatcher::execute()
, etc.
you will need to update your code to not directly call these methods. Dispatcher
has been converted to be more object oriented so
that Dependency Injection Containers can be used in an easier way. If you need to invoke a method similar to how Dispatcher did, you
can manually use something like $result = $class->$method(...$params);
or call_user_func_array()
and error()
Changes (3.10.0)
Default behavior before 3.10.0 was to clear both the headers and the response body. This was changed to only clear the response body.
If you need to clear the headers as well, you can use Flight::response()->clear()
You can customize certain behaviors of Flight by setting configuration values
through the set
Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);
Available Configuration Settings
The following is a list of all the available configuration settings:
- flight.base_url
- Override the base url of the request. (default: null) - flight.case_sensitive
- Case sensitive matching for URLs. (default: false) - flight.handle_errors
- Allow Flight to handle all errors internally. (default: true) - flight.log_errors
- Log errors to the web server's error log file. (default: false) - flight.views.path
- Directory containing view template files. (default: ./views) - flight.views.extension
- View template file extension. (default: .php) - flight.content_length
- Set theContent-Length
header. (default: true) - flight.v2.output_buffering
- Use legacy output buffering. See migrating to v3. (default: false)
Loader Configuration
There is additionally another configuration setting for the loader. This will allow you
to autoload classes with _
in the class name.
// Enable class loading with underscores
// Defaulted to true
Loader::$v2ClassLoading = false;
Flight allows you to save variables so that they can be used anywhere in your application.
// Save your variable
Flight::set('id', 123);
// Elsewhere in your application
$id = Flight::get('id');
To see if a variable has been set you can do:
if (Flight::has('id')) {
// Do something
You can clear a variable by doing:
// Clears the id variable
// Clears all variables
Flight also uses variables for configuration purposes.
Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);
Error Handling
Errors and Exceptions
All errors and exceptions are caught by Flight and passed to the error
The default behavior is to send a generic HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
response with some error information.
You can override this behavior for your own needs:
Flight::map('error', function (Throwable $error) {
// Handle error
echo $error->getTraceAsString();
By default errors are not logged to the web server. You can enable this by changing the config:
Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);
Not Found
When a URL can't be found, Flight calls the notFound
method. The default
behavior is to send an HTTP 404 Not Found
response with a simple message.
You can override this behavior for your own needs:
Flight::map('notFound', function () {
// Handle not found
Security is a big deal when it comes to web applications. You want to make sure that your application is secure and that your users' data is safe. Flight provides a number of features to help you secure your web applications.
HTTP headers are one of the easiest ways to secure your web applications. You can use headers to prevent clickjacking, XSS, and other attacks. There are several ways that you can add these headers to your application.
Two great websites to check for the security of your headers are securityheaders.com and observatory.mozilla.org.
Add By Hand
You can manually add these headers by using the header
method on the Flight\Response
// Set the X-Frame-Options header to prevent clickjacking
Flight::response()->header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
// Set the Content-Security-Policy header to prevent XSS
// Note: this header can get very complex, so you'll want
// to consult examples on the internet for your application
Flight::response()->header("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self'");
// Set the X-XSS-Protection header to prevent XSS
Flight::response()->header('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block');
// Set the X-Content-Type-Options header to prevent MIME sniffing
Flight::response()->header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
// Set the Referrer-Policy header to control how much referrer information is sent
Flight::response()->header('Referrer-Policy', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade');
// Set the Strict-Transport-Security header to force HTTPS
Flight::response()->header('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload');
// Set the Permissions-Policy header to control what features and APIs can be used
Flight::response()->header('Permissions-Policy', 'geolocation=()');
These can be added at the top of your bootstrap.php
or index.php
Add as a Filter
You can also add them in a filter/hook like the following:
// Add the headers in a filter
Flight::before('start', function() {
Flight::response()->header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
Flight::response()->header("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self'");
Flight::response()->header('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block');
Flight::response()->header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
Flight::response()->header('Referrer-Policy', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade');
Flight::response()->header('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload');
Flight::response()->header('Permissions-Policy', 'geolocation=()');
Add as a Middleware
You can also add them as a middleware class. This is a good way to keep your code clean and organized.
// app/middleware/SecurityHeadersMiddleware.php
namespace app\middleware;
class SecurityHeadersMiddleware
public function before(array $params): void
Flight::response()->header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN');
Flight::response()->header("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self'");
Flight::response()->header('X-XSS-Protection', '1; mode=block');
Flight::response()->header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff');
Flight::response()->header('Referrer-Policy', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade');
Flight::response()->header('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload');
Flight::response()->header('Permissions-Policy', 'geolocation=()');
// index.php or wherever you have your routes
// FYI, this empty string group acts as a global middleware for
// all routes. Of course you could do the same thing and just add
// this only to specific routes.
Flight::group('', function(Router $router) {
$router->get('/users', [ 'UserController', 'getUsers' ]);
// more routes
}, [ new SecurityHeadersMiddleware() ]);
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack where a malicious website can make a user's browser send a request to your website. This can be used to perform actions on your website without the user's knowledge. Flight does not provide a built-in CSRF protection mechanism, but you can easily implement your own by using middleware.
First you need to generate a CSRF token and store it in the user's session. You can then use this token in your forms and check it when the form is submitted.
// Generate a CSRF token and store it in the user's session
// (assuming you've created a session object at attached it to Flight)
// see the session documentation for more information
Flight::register('session', \Ghostff\Session\Session::class);
// You only need to generate a single token per session (so it works
// across multiple tabs and requests for the same user)
if(Flight::session()->get('csrf_token') === null) {
Flight::session()->set('csrf_token', bin2hex(random_bytes(32)) );
<!-- Use the CSRF token in your form -->
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?= Flight::session()->get('csrf_token') ?>">
<!-- other form fields -->
Using Latte
You can also set a custom function to output the CSRF token in your Latte templates.
// Set a custom function to output the CSRF token
// Note: View has been configured with Latte as the view engine
Flight::view()->addFunction('csrf', function() {
$csrfToken = Flight::session()->get('csrf_token');
return new \Latte\Runtime\Html('<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="' . $csrfToken . '">');
And now in your Latte templates you can use the csrf()
function to output the CSRF token.
<form method="post">
<!-- other form fields -->
Short and simple right?
Check the CSRF Token
You can check the CSRF token using event filters:
// This middleware checks if the request is a POST request and if it is, it checks if the CSRF token is valid
Flight::before('start', function() {
if(Flight::request()->method == 'POST') {
// capture the csrf token from the form values
$token = Flight::request()->data->csrf_token;
if($token !== Flight::session()->get('csrf_token')) {
Flight::halt(403, 'Invalid CSRF token');
// or for a JSON response
Flight::jsonHalt(['error' => 'Invalid CSRF token'], 403);
Or you can use a middleware class:
// app/middleware/CsrfMiddleware.php
namespace app\middleware;
class CsrfMiddleware
public function before(array $params): void
if(Flight::request()->method == 'POST') {
$token = Flight::request()->data->csrf_token;
if($token !== Flight::session()->get('csrf_token')) {
Flight::halt(403, 'Invalid CSRF token');
// index.php or wherever you have your routes
Flight::group('', function(Router $router) {
$router->get('/users', [ 'UserController', 'getUsers' ]);
// more routes
}, [ new CsrfMiddleware() ]);
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is a type of attack where a malicious website can inject code into your website. Most of these opportunities come from form values that your end users will fill out. You should never trust output from your users! Always assume all of them are the best hackers in the world. They can inject malicious JavaScript or HTML into your page. This code can be used to steal information from your users or perform actions on your website. Using Flight's view class, you can easily escape output to prevent XSS attacks.
// Let's assume the user is clever as tries to use this as their name
$name = '<script>alert("XSS")</script>';
// This will escape the output
Flight::view()->set('name', $name);
// This will output: <script>alert("XSS")</script>
// If you use something like Latte registered as your view class, it will also auto escape this.
Flight::view()->render('template', ['name' => $name]);
SQL Injection
SQL Injection is a type of attack where a malicious user can inject SQL code into your database. This can be used to steal information
from your database or perform actions on your database. Again you should never trust input from your users! Always assume they are
out for blood. You can use prepared statements in your PDO
objects will prevent SQL injection.
// Assuming you have Flight::db() registered as your PDO object
$statement = Flight::db()->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username');
$statement->execute([':username' => $username]);
$users = $statement->fetchAll();
// If you use the PdoWrapper class, this can easily be done in one line
$users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username', [ 'username' => $username ]);
// You can do the same thing with a PDO object with ? placeholders
$statement = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', [ $username ]);
// Just promise you will never EVER do something like this...
$users = Flight::db()->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '{$username}' LIMIT 5");
// because what if $username = "' OR 1=1; -- ";
// After the query is build it looks like this
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR 1=1; -- LIMIT 5
// It looks strange, but it's a valid query that will work. In fact,
// it's a very common SQL injection attack that will return all users.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows many resources (e.g., fonts, JavaScript, etc.) on a web page to be
requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated. Flight does not have built in functionality,
but this can easily be handled with a hook to run before the Flight::start()
method is called.
// app/utils/CorsUtil.php
namespace app\utils;
class CorsUtil
public function set(array $params): void
$request = Flight::request();
$response = Flight::response();
if ($request->getVar('HTTP_ORIGIN') !== '') {
$response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true');
$response->header('Access-Control-Max-Age', '86400');
if ($request->method === 'OPTIONS') {
if ($request->getVar('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD') !== '') {
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, HEAD'
if ($request->getVar('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS') !== '') {
private function allowOrigins(): void
// customize your allowed hosts here.
$allowed = [
$request = Flight::request();
if (in_array($request->getVar('HTTP_ORIGIN'), $allowed, true) === true) {
$response = Flight::response();
$response->header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", $request->getVar('HTTP_ORIGIN'));
// index.php or wherever you have your routes
$CorsUtil = new CorsUtil();
// This needs to be run before start runs.
Flight::before('start', [ $CorsUtil, 'setupCors' ]);
Error Handling
Hide sensitive error details in production to avoid leaking info to attackers.
// In your bootstrap.php or index.php
// in flightphp/skeleton, this is in app/config/config.php
$environment = ENVIRONMENT;
if ($environment === 'production') {
ini_set('display_errors', 0); // Disable error display
ini_set('log_errors', 1); // Log errors instead
ini_set('error_log', '/path/to/error.log');
// In your routes or controllers
// Use Flight::halt() for controlled error responses
Flight::halt(403, 'Access denied');
Input Sanitization
Never trust user input. Sanitize it before processing to prevent malicious data from sneaking in.
// Lets assume a $_POST request with $_POST['input'] and $_POST['email']
// Sanitize a string input
$clean_input = filter_var(Flight::request()->data->input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// Sanitize an email
$clean_email = filter_var(Flight::request()->data->email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
Password Hashing
Store passwords securely and verify them safely using PHP’s built-in functions.
$password = Flight::request()->data->password;
// Hash a password when storing (e.g., during registration)
$hashed_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Verify a password (e.g., during login)
if (password_verify($password, $stored_hash)) {
// Password matches
Rate Limiting
Protect against brute force attacks by limiting request rates with a cache.
// Assuming you have flightphp/cache installed and registered
// Using flightphp/cache in a middleware
Flight::before('start', function() {
$cache = Flight::cache();
$ip = Flight::request()->ip;
$key = "rate_limit_{$ip}";
$attempts = (int) $cache->retrieve($key);
if ($attempts >= 10) {
Flight::halt(429, 'Too many requests');
$cache->set($key, $attempts + 1, 60); // Reset after 60 seconds
Security is a big deal and it's important to make sure your web applications are secure. Flight provides a number of features to help you secure your web applications, but it's important to always be vigilant and make sure you're doing everything you can to keep your users' data safe. Always assume the worst and never trust input from your users. Always escape output and use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection. Always use middleware to protect your routes from CSRF and CORS attacks. If you do all of these things, you'll be well on your way to building secure web applications.
Note: Want to understand more about routing? Check out the "why a framework?" page for a more in-depth explanation.
Basic routing in Flight is done by matching a URL pattern with a callback function or an array of a class and method.
Flight::route('/', function(){
echo 'hello world!';
Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route to match a request will be invoked.
The callback can be any object that is callable. So you can use a regular function:
function hello() {
echo 'hello world!';
Flight::route('/', 'hello');
You can use a static method of a class as well:
class Greeting {
public static function hello() {
echo 'hello world!';
Flight::route('/', [ 'Greeting','hello' ]);
Or by creating an object first and then calling the method:
// Greeting.php
class Greeting
public function __construct() {
$this->name = 'John Doe';
public function hello() {
echo "Hello, {$this->name}!";
// index.php
$greeting = new Greeting();
Flight::route('/', [ $greeting, 'hello' ]);
// You also can do this without creating the object first
// Note: No args will be injected into the constructor
Flight::route('/', [ 'Greeting', 'hello' ]);
// Additionally you can use this shorter syntax
Flight::route('/', 'Greeting->hello');
// or
Flight::route('/', Greeting::class.'->hello');
Dependency Injection via DIC (Dependency Injection Container)
If you want to use dependency injection via a container (PSR-11, PHP-DI, Dice, etc), the only type of routes where that is available is either directly creating the object yourself and using the container to create your object or you can use strings to defined the class and method to call. You can go to the Dependency Injection page for more information.
Here's a quick example:
use flight\database\PdoWrapper;
// Greeting.php
class Greeting
protected PdoWrapper $pdoWrapper;
public function __construct(PdoWrapper $pdoWrapper) {
$this->pdoWrapper = $pdoWrapper;
public function hello(int $id) {
// do something with $this->pdoWrapper
$name = $this->pdoWrapper->fetchField("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = ?", [ $id ]);
echo "Hello, world! My name is {$name}!";
// index.php
// Setup the container with whatever params you need
// See the Dependency Injection page for more information on PSR-11
$dice = new \Dice\Dice();
// Don't forget to reassign the variable with '$dice = '!!!!!
$dice = $dice->addRule('flight\database\PdoWrapper', [
'shared' => true,
'constructParams' => [
// Register the container handler
Flight::registerContainerHandler(function($class, $params) use ($dice) {
return $dice->create($class, $params);
// Routes like normal
Flight::route('/hello/@id', [ 'Greeting', 'hello' ]);
// or
Flight::route('/hello/@id', 'Greeting->hello');
// or
Flight::route('/hello/@id', 'Greeting::hello');
Method Routing
By default, route patterns are matched against all request methods. You can respond to specific methods by placing an identifier before the URL.
Flight::route('GET /', function () {
echo 'I received a GET request.';
Flight::route('POST /', function () {
echo 'I received a POST request.';
// You cannot use Flight::get() for routes as that is a method
// to get variables, not create a route.
// Flight::post('/', function() { /* code */ });
// Flight::patch('/', function() { /* code */ });
// Flight::put('/', function() { /* code */ });
// Flight::delete('/', function() { /* code */ });
You can also map multiple methods to a single callback by using a |
Flight::route('GET|POST /', function () {
echo 'I received either a GET or a POST request.';
Additionally you can grab the Router object which has some helper methods for you to use:
$router = Flight::router();
// maps all methods
$router->map('/', function() {
echo 'hello world!';
// GET request
$router->get('/users', function() {
echo 'users';
// $router->post();
// $router->put();
// $router->delete();
// $router->patch();
Regular Expressions
You can use regular expressions in your routes:
Flight::route('/user/[0-9]+', function () {
// This will match /user/1234
Although this method is available, it is recommended to use named parameters, or named parameters with regular expressions, as they are more readable and easier to maintain.
Named Parameters
You can specify named parameters in your routes which will be passed along to your callback function. This is more for readability of the route than anything else. Please see the section below on important caveat.
Flight::route('/@name/@id', function (string $name, string $id) {
echo "hello, $name ($id)!";
You can also include regular expressions with your named parameters by using
the :
Flight::route('/@name/@id:[0-9]{3}', function (string $name, string $id) {
// This will match /bob/123
// But will not match /bob/12345
Note: Matching regex groups
with positional parameters isn't supported. :'(
Important Caveat
While in the example above, it appears as that @name
is directly tied to the variable $name
, it is not. The order of the parameters in the callback function is what determines what is passed to it. So if you were to switch the order of the parameters in the callback function, the variables would be switched as well. Here is an example:
Flight::route('/@name/@id', function (string $id, string $name) {
echo "hello, $name ($id)!";
And if you went to the following URL: /bob/123
, the output would be hello, 123 (bob)!
Please be careful when you are setting up your routes and your callback functions.
Optional Parameters
You can specify named parameters that are optional for matching by wrapping segments in parentheses.
function(?string $year, ?string $month, ?string $day) {
// This will match the following URLS:
// /blog/2012/12/10
// /blog/2012/12
// /blog/2012
// /blog
Any optional parameters that are not matched will be passed in as NULL
Matching is only done on individual URL segments. If you want to match multiple
segments you can use the *
Flight::route('/blog/*', function () {
// This will match /blog/2000/02/01
To route all requests to a single callback, you can do:
Flight::route('*', function () {
// Do something
You can pass execution on to the next matching route by returning true
your callback function.
Flight::route('/user/@name', function (string $name) {
// Check some condition
if ($name !== "Bob") {
// Continue to next route
return true;
Flight::route('/user/*', function () {
// This will get called
Route Aliasing
You can assign an alias to a route, so that the URL can dynamically be generated later in your code (like a template for instance).
Flight::route('/users/@id', function($id) { echo 'user:'.$id; }, false, 'user_view');
// later in code somewhere
Flight::getUrl('user_view', [ 'id' => 5 ]); // will return '/users/5'
This is especially helpful if your URL happens to change. In the above example, lets say that users was moved to /admin/users/@id
With aliasing in place, you don't have to change anywhere you reference the alias because the alias will now return /admin/users/5
like in the
example above.
Route aliasing still works in groups as well:
Flight::group('/users', function() {
Flight::route('/@id', function($id) { echo 'user:'.$id; }, false, 'user_view');
// later in code somewhere
Flight::getUrl('user_view', [ 'id' => 5 ]); // will return '/users/5'
Route Info
If you want to inspect the matching route information, you can request for the route
object to be passed to your callback by passing in true
as the third parameter in
the route method. The route object will always be the last parameter passed to your
callback function.
Flight::route('/', function(\flight\net\Route $route) {
// Array of HTTP methods matched against
// Array of named parameters
// Matching regular expression
// Contains the contents of any '*' used in the URL pattern
// Shows the url path....if you really need it
// Shows what middleware is assigned to this
// Shows the alias assigned to this route
}, true);
Route Grouping
There may be times when you want to group related routes together (such as /api/v1
You can do this by using the group
Flight::group('/api/v1', function () {
Flight::route('/users', function () {
// Matches /api/v1/users
Flight::route('/posts', function () {
// Matches /api/v1/posts
You can even nest groups of groups:
Flight::group('/api', function () {
Flight::group('/v1', function () {
// Flight::get() gets variables, it doesn't set a route! See object context below
Flight::route('GET /users', function () {
// Matches GET /api/v1/users
Flight::post('/posts', function () {
// Matches POST /api/v1/posts
Flight::put('/posts/1', function () {
// Matches PUT /api/v1/posts
Flight::group('/v2', function () {
// Flight::get() gets variables, it doesn't set a route! See object context below
Flight::route('GET /users', function () {
// Matches GET /api/v2/users
Grouping with Object Context
You can still use route grouping with the Engine
object in the following way:
$app = new \flight\Engine();
$app->group('/api/v1', function (Router $router) {
// user the $router variable
$router->get('/users', function () {
// Matches GET /api/v1/users
$router->post('/posts', function () {
// Matches POST /api/v1/posts
Resource Routing
You can create a set of routes for a resource using the resource
method. This will create
a set of routes for a resource that follows the RESTful conventions.
To create a resource, do the following:
Flight::resource('/users', UsersController::class);
And what will happen in the background is it will create the following routes:
'index' => 'GET ',
'create' => 'GET /create',
'store' => 'POST ',
'show' => 'GET /@id',
'edit' => 'GET /@id/edit',
'update' => 'PUT /@id',
'destroy' => 'DELETE /@id'
And your controller will look like this:
class UsersController
public function index(): void
public function show(string $id): void
public function create(): void
public function store(): void
public function edit(string $id): void
public function update(string $id): void
public function destroy(string $id): void
Note: You can view the newly added routes with
by runningphp runway routes
Customizing Resource Routes
There are a few options to configure the resource routes.
Alias Base
You can configure the aliasBase
. By default the alias is the last part of the URL specified.
For example /users/
would result in an aliasBase
of users
. When these routes are created,
the aliases are users.index
, users.create
, etc. If you want to change the alias, set the aliasBase
to the value you want.
Flight::resource('/users', UsersController::class, [ 'aliasBase' => 'user' ]);
Only and Except
You can also specify which routes you want to create by using the only
and except
Flight::resource('/users', UsersController::class, [ 'only' => [ 'index', 'show' ] ]);
Flight::resource('/users', UsersController::class, [ 'except' => [ 'create', 'store', 'edit', 'update', 'destroy' ] ]);
These are basically whitelisting and blacklisting options so you can specify which routes you want to create.
You can also specify middleware to be run on each of the routes created by the resource
Flight::resource('/users', UsersController::class, [ 'middleware' => [ MyAuthMiddleware::class ] ]);
You can now stream responses to the client using the streamWithHeaders()
This is useful for sending large files, long running processes, or generating large responses.
Streaming a route is handled a little differently than a regular route.
Note: Streaming responses is only available if you have
set to false.
Stream with Manual Headers
You can stream a response to the client by using the stream()
method on a route. If you
do this, you must set all the methods by hand before you output anything to the client.
This is done with the header()
php function or the Flight::response()->setRealHeader()
Flight::route('/@filename', function($filename) {
// obviously you would sanitize the path and whatnot.
$fileNameSafe = basename($filename);
// If you have additional headers to set here after the route has executed
// you must define them before anything is echoed out.
// They must all be a raw call to the header() function or
// a call to Flight::response()->setRealHeader()
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$fileNameSafe.'"');
// or
Flight::response()->setRealHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="'.$fileNameSafe.'"');
$fileData = file_get_contents('/some/path/to/files/'.$fileNameSafe);
// Error catching and whatnot
if(empty($fileData)) {
Flight::halt(404, 'File not found');
// manually set the content length if you'd like
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename));
// Stream the data to the client
echo $fileData;
// This is the magic line here
Stream with Headers
You can also use the streamWithHeaders()
method to set the headers before you start streaming.
Flight::route('/stream-users', function() {
// you can add any additional headers you want here
// you just must use header() or Flight::response()->setRealHeader()
// however you pull your data, just as an example...
$users_stmt = Flight::db()->query("SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM users");
echo '{';
$user_count = count($users);
while($user = $users_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
echo json_encode($user);
if(--$user_count > 0) {
echo ',';
// This is required to send the data to the client
echo '}';
// This is how you'll set the headers before you start streaming.
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="users.json"',
// optional status code, defaults to 200
'status' => 200
Flight vs Symfony
What is Symfony?
Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework for web projects.
The standard foundation on which the best PHP applications are built. Choose any of the 50 stand-alone components available for your own applications.
Speed up the creation and maintenance of your PHP web applications. End repetitive coding tasks and enjoy the power of controlling your code.
Pros compared to Flight
- Symfony has a huge ecosystem of developers and modules that can be used to solve common problems.
- Symfony has a full-featured ORM (Doctrine) that can be used to interact with your database.
- Symfony has an large amount of documentation and tutorials that can be used to learn the framework.
- Symfony has podcasts, conferences, meetings, videos, and other resources that can be used to learn the framework.
- Symfony is geared towards a seasoned developer who is looking to build a full-featured, enterprise web application.
Cons compared to Flight
- Symfony has a lot more going on underneath the hood than Flight does. This comes at a dramatic cost in terms of performance. See the TechEmpower benchmarks for more information.
- Flight is geared towards a developer who is looking to build a lightweight, fast, and easy to use web application.
- Flight is geared towards simplicity and ease of use.
- One of Flight's core features is that it does it's best to maintain backwards compatibility.
- Flight has no dependencies, whereas Symfony has a host of dependencies
- Flight is meant for developers who are venturing into the land of frameworks for the first time.
- Flight can also do enterprise level applications, but it does not have as many examples and tutorials as Symfony does. It will also require more discipline on the part of the developer to keep things organized and well-structured.
- Flight gives the developer more control over the application, whereas Symfony can sneak in some magic behind the scenes.
Comparing Flight to Another Framework
If you are migrating from another framework such as Laravel, Slim, Fat-Free, or Symfony to Flight, this page will help you understand the differences between the two.
Laravel is a full-featured framework that has all the bells and whistles and an amazing developer focused ecosystem, but at a cost in performance and complexity.
See the comparison between Laravel and Flight.
Slim is a micro-framework that is similar to Flight. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, but can be a bit more complex than Flight.
See the comparison between Slim and Flight.
Fat-Free is a full-stack framework in a much smaller package. While it has all the tools in the toolbox, it does have a data architecture that can make some projects more complex than they need to be.
See the comparison between Fat-Free and Flight.
Symfony is a modular, enterprise level framework that is designed to be flexible and scalable. For smaller projects or newer developers, Symfony can be a bit overwhelming.
See the comparison between Symfony and Flight.
Dependency Injection Container
The Dependency Injection Container (DIC) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your application's dependencies. It is a key concept in modern PHP frameworks and is used to manage the instantiation and configuration of objects. Some examples of DIC libraries are: Dice, Pimple, PHP-DI, and league/container.
A DIC a fancy way of saying that it allows you to create and manage your classes in a centralized location. This is useful for when you need to pass the same object to multiple classes (like your controllers). A simple example might help this make more sense.
Basic Example
The old way of doing things might look like this:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// class to manage users from the database
class UserController {
protected PDO $pdo;
public function __construct(PDO $pdo) {
$this->pdo = $pdo;
public function view(int $id) {
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id');
$stmt->execute(['id' => $id]);
$User = new UserController(new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'user', 'pass'));
Flight::route('/user/@id', [ $UserController, 'view' ]);
You can see from the above code that we are creating a new PDO
object and passing it
to our UserController
class. This is fine for a small application, but as your
application grows, you will find that you are creating the same PDO
object in multiple
places. This is where a DIC comes in handy.
Here is the same example using a DIC (using Dice):
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// same class as above. Nothing changed
class UserController {
protected PDO $pdo;
public function __construct(PDO $pdo) {
$this->pdo = $pdo;
public function view(int $id) {
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id');
$stmt->execute(['id' => $id]);
// create a new container
$container = new \Dice\Dice;
// don't forget to reassign it to itself like below!
$container = $container->addRule('PDO', [
// shared means that the same object will be returned each time
'shared' => true,
'constructParams' => ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'user', 'pass' ]
// This registers the container handler so Flight knows to use it.
Flight::registerContainerHandler(function($class, $params) use ($container) {
return $container->create($class, $params);
// now we can use the container to create our UserController
Flight::route('/user/@id', [ 'UserController', 'view' ]);
// or alternatively you can define the route like this
Flight::route('/user/@id', 'UserController->view');
// or
Flight::route('/user/@id', 'UserController::view');
I bet you might be thinking that there was a lot of extra code added to the example.
The magic comes from when you have another controller that needs the PDO
// If all your controllers have a constructor that needs a PDO object
// each of the routes below will automatically have it injected!!!
Flight::route('/company/@id', 'CompanyController->view');
Flight::route('/organization/@id', 'OrganizationController->view');
Flight::route('/category/@id', 'CategoryController->view');
Flight::route('/settings', 'SettingsController->view');
The added bonus of utilizing a DIC is that unit testing becomes much easier. You can create a mock object and pass it to your class. This is a huge benefit when you are writing tests for your application!
Flight can also use any PSR-11 compliant container. This means that you can use any container that implements the PSR-11 interface. Here is an example using League's PSR-11 container:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// same UserController class as above
$container = new \League\Container\Container();
Flight::route('/user', [ 'UserController', 'view' ]);
This can be a little more verbose than the previous Dice example, it still gets the job done with the same benefits!
Custom DIC Handler
You can also create your own DIC handler. This is useful if you have a custom container that you want to use that is not PSR-11 (Dice). See the basic example for how to do this.
Additionally, there are some helpful defaults that will make your life easier when using Flight.
Engine Instance
If you are using the Engine
instance in your controllers/middleware, here is
how you would configure it:
// Somewhere in your bootstrap file
$engine = Flight::app();
$container = new \Dice\Dice;
$container = $container->addRule('*', [
'substitutions' => [
// This is where you pass in the instance
Engine::class => $engine
$engine->registerContainerHandler(function($class, $params) use ($container) {
return $container->create($class, $params);
// Now you can use the Engine instance in your controllers/middleware
class MyController {
public function __construct(Engine $app) {
$this->app = $app;
public function index() {
Adding Other Classes
If you have other classes that you want to add to the container, with Dice it's easy as they will be automatically resolved by the container. Here is an example:
$container = new \Dice\Dice;
// If you don't need to inject anything into your class
// you don't need to define anything!
Flight::registerContainerHandler(function($class, $params) use ($container) {
return $container->create($class, $params);
class MyCustomClass {
public function parseThing() {
return 'thing';
class UserController {
protected MyCustomClass $MyCustomClass;
public function __construct(MyCustomClass $MyCustomClass) {
$this->MyCustomClass = $MyCustomClass;
public function index() {
echo $this->MyCustomClass->parseThing();
Flight::route('/user', 'UserController->index');
Route Middleware
Flight supports route and group route middleware. Middleware is a function that is executed before (or after) the route callback. This is a great way to add API authentication checks in your code, or to validate that the user has permission to access the route.
Basic Middleware
Here's a basic example:
// If you only supply an anonymous function, it will be executed before the route callback.
// there are no "after" middleware functions except for classes (see below)
Flight::route('/path', function() { echo ' Here I am!'; })->addMiddleware(function() {
echo 'Middleware first!';
// This will output "Middleware first! Here I am!"
There are some very important notes about middleware that you should be aware of before you use them:
- Middleware functions are executed in the order they are added to the route. The execution is similar to how Slim Framework handles this.
- Befores are executed in the order added, and Afters are executed in reverse order.
- If your middleware function returns false, all execution is stopped and a 403 Forbidden error is thrown. You'll probably want to handle this more gracefully with a
or something similar. - If you need parameters from your route, they will be passed in a single array to your middleware function. (
function($params) { ... }
orpublic function before($params) {}
). The reason for this is that you can structure your parameters into groups and in some of those groups, your parameters may actually show up in a different order which would break the middleware function by referring to the wrong parameter. This way, you can access them by name instead of position. - If you pass in just the name of the middleware, it will automatically be executed by the dependency injection container and the middleware will be executed with the parameters it needs. If you don't have a dependency injection container registered, it will pass in the
instance into the__construct()
Middleware Classes
Middleware can be registered as a class as well. If you need the "after" functionality, you must use a class.
class MyMiddleware {
public function before($params) {
echo 'Middleware first!';
public function after($params) {
echo 'Middleware last!';
$MyMiddleware = new MyMiddleware();
Flight::route('/path', function() { echo ' Here I am! '; })->addMiddleware($MyMiddleware); // also ->addMiddleware([ $MyMiddleware, $MyMiddleware2 ]);
// This will display "Middleware first! Here I am! Middleware last!"
Handling Middleware Errors
Let's say you have an auth middleware and you want to redirect the user to a login page if they are not authenticated. You have a couple of options at your disposal:
- You can return false from the middleware function and Flight will automatically return a 403 Forbidden error, but have no customization.
- You can redirect the user to a login page using
. - You can create a custom error within the middleware and halt execution of the route.
Basic Example
Here is a simple return false; example:
class MyMiddleware {
public function before($params) {
if (isset($_SESSION['user']) === false) {
return false;
// since it's true, everything just keeps on going
Redirect Example
Here is an example of redirecting the user to a login page:
class MyMiddleware {
public function before($params) {
if (isset($_SESSION['user']) === false) {
Custom Error Example
Let's say you need to throw a JSON error because you're building an API. You can do that like this:
class MyMiddleware {
public function before($params) {
$authorization = Flight::request()->headers['Authorization'];
if(empty($authorization)) {
Flight::jsonHalt(['error' => 'You must be logged in to access this page.'], 403);
// or
Flight::json(['error' => 'You must be logged in to access this page.'], 403);
// or
Flight::halt(403, json_encode(['error' => 'You must be logged in to access this page.']);
Grouping Middleware
You can add a route group, and then every route in that group will have the same middleware as well. This is useful if you need to group a bunch of routes by say an Auth middleware to check the API key in the header.
// added at the end of the group method
Flight::group('/api', function() {
// This "empty" looking route will actually match /api
Flight::route('', function() { echo 'api'; }, false, 'api');
// This will match /api/users
Flight::route('/users', function() { echo 'users'; }, false, 'users');
// This will match /api/users/1234
Flight::route('/users/@id', function($id) { echo 'user:'.$id; }, false, 'user_view');
}, [ new ApiAuthMiddleware() ]);
If you want to apply a global middleware to all your routes, you can add an "empty" group:
// added at the end of the group method
Flight::group('', function() {
// This is still /users
Flight::route('/users', function() { echo 'users'; }, false, 'users');
// And this is still /users/1234
Flight::route('/users/@id', function($id) { echo 'user:'.$id; }, false, 'user_view');
}, [ new ApiAuthMiddleware() ]);
Flight allows you to filter methods before and after they are called. There are no predefined hooks you need to memorize. You can filter any of the default framework methods as well as any custom methods that you've mapped.
A filter function looks like this:
function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
// Filter code
Using the passed in variables you can manipulate the input parameters and/or the output.
You can have a filter run before a method by doing:
Flight::before('start', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
// Do something
You can have a filter run after a method by doing:
Flight::after('start', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
// Do something
You can add as many filters as you want to any method. They will be called in the order that they are declared.
Here's an example of the filtering process:
// Map a custom method
Flight::map('hello', function (string $name) {
return "Hello, $name!";
// Add a before filter
Flight::before('hello', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
// Manipulate the parameter
$params[0] = 'Fred';
return true;
// Add an after filter
Flight::after('hello', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
// Manipulate the output
$output .= " Have a nice day!";
return true;
// Invoke the custom method
echo Flight::hello('Bob');
This should display:
Hello Fred! Have a nice day!
If you have defined multiple filters, you can break the chain by returning false
in any of your filter functions:
Flight::before('start', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
echo 'one';
return true;
Flight::before('start', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
echo 'two';
// This will end the chain
return false;
// This will not get called
Flight::before('start', function (array &$params, string &$output): bool {
echo 'three';
return true;
Note, core methods such as map
and register
cannot be filtered because they
are called directly and not invoked dynamically.
Flight encapsulates the HTTP request into a single object, which can be accessed by doing:
$request = Flight::request();
Typical Use Cases
When you are working with a request in a web application, typically you'll
want to pull out a header, or a $_GET
or $_POST
parameter, or maybe
even the raw request body. Flight provides a simple interface to do all of
these things.
Here's an example getting a query string parameter:
Flight::route('/search', function(){
$keyword = Flight::request()->query['keyword'];
echo "You are searching for: $keyword";
// query a database or something else with the $keyword
Here's an example of maybe a form with a POST method:
Flight::route('POST /submit', function(){
$name = Flight::request()->data['name'];
$email = Flight::request()->data['email'];
echo "You submitted: $name, $email";
// save to a database or something else with the $name and $email
Request Object Properties
The request object provides the following properties:
- body - The raw HTTP request body
- url - The URL being requested
- base - The parent subdirectory of the URL
- method - The request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- referrer - The referrer URL
- ip - IP address of the client
- ajax - Whether the request is an AJAX request
- scheme - The server protocol (http, https)
- user_agent - Browser information
- type - The content type
- length - The content length
- query - Query string parameters
- data - Post data or JSON data
- cookies - Cookie data
- files - Uploaded files
- secure - Whether the connection is secure
- accept - HTTP accept parameters
- proxy_ip - Proxy IP address of the client. Scans the
in that order. - host - The request host name
You can access the query
, data
, cookies
, and files
as arrays or objects.
So, to get a query string parameter, you can do:
$id = Flight::request()->query['id'];
Or you can do:
$id = Flight::request()->query->id;
RAW Request Body
To get the raw HTTP request body, for example when dealing with PUT requests, you can do:
$body = Flight::request()->getBody();
JSON Input
If you send a request with the type application/json
and the data {"id": 123}
it will be available from the data
$id = Flight::request()->data->id;
You can access the $_GET
array via the query
$id = Flight::request()->query['id'];
You can access the $_POST
array via the data
$id = Flight::request()->data['id'];
You can access the $_COOKIE
array via the cookies
$myCookieValue = Flight::request()->cookies['myCookieName'];
There is a shortcut available to access the $_SERVER
array via the getVar()
$host = Flight::request()->getVar['HTTP_HOST'];
Accessing Uploaded Files via $_FILES
You can access uploaded files via the files
$uploadedFile = Flight::request()->files['myFile'];
Processing File Uploads (v3.12.0)
You can process file uploads using the framework with some helper methods. It basically boils down to pulling the file data from the request, and moving it to a new location.
Flight::route('POST /upload', function(){
// If you had an input field like <input type="file" name="myFile">
$uploadedFileData = Flight::request()->getUploadedFiles();
$uploadedFile = $uploadedFileData['myFile'];
$uploadedFile->moveTo('/path/to/uploads/' . $uploadedFile->getClientFilename());
If you have multiple files uploaded, you can loop through them:
Flight::route('POST /upload', function(){
// If you had an input field like <input type="file" name="myFiles[]">
$uploadedFiles = Flight::request()->getUploadedFiles()['myFiles'];
foreach ($uploadedFiles as $uploadedFile) {
$uploadedFile->moveTo('/path/to/uploads/' . $uploadedFile->getClientFilename());
Security Note: Always validate and sanitize user input, especially when dealing with file uploads. Always validate the type of extensions you'll allow to be uploaded, but you should also validate the "magic bytes" of the file to ensure it's actually the type of file the user claims it is. There are articles and libraries available to help with this.
Request Headers
You can access request headers using the getHeader()
or getHeaders()
// Maybe you need Authorization header
$host = Flight::request()->getHeader('Authorization');
// or
$host = Flight::request()->header('Authorization');
// If you need to grab all headers
$headers = Flight::request()->getHeaders();
// or
$headers = Flight::request()->headers();
Request Body
You can access the raw request body using the getBody()
$body = Flight::request()->getBody();
Request Method
You can access the request method using the method
property or the getMethod()
$method = Flight::request()->method; // actually calls getMethod()
$method = Flight::request()->getMethod();
Note: The getMethod()
method first pulls the method from $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']
, then it can be overwritten
if it exists or $_REQUEST['_method']
if it exists.
Request URLs
There are a couple helper methods to piece together parts of a URL for your convenience.
Full URL
You can access the full request URL using the getFullUrl()
$url = Flight::request()->getFullUrl();
// https://example.com/some/path?foo=bar
Base URL
You can access the base URL using the getBaseUrl()
$url = Flight::request()->getBaseUrl();
// Notice, no trailing slash.
// https://example.com
Query Parsing
You can pass a URL to the parseQuery()
method to parse the query string into an associative array:
$query = Flight::request()->parseQuery('https://example.com/some/path?foo=bar');
// ['foo' => 'bar']
Framework API Methods
Flight is designed to be easy to use and understand. The following is the complete set of methods for the framework. It consists of core methods, which are regular static methods, and extensible methods, which are mapped methods that can be filtered or overridden.
Core Methods
These methods are core to the framework and cannot be overridden.
Flight::map(string $name, callable $callback, bool $pass_route = false) // Creates a custom framework method.
Flight::register(string $name, string $class, array $params = [], ?callable $callback = null) // Registers a class to a framework method.
Flight::unregister(string $name) // Unregisters a class to a framework method.
Flight::before(string $name, callable $callback) // Adds a filter before a framework method.
Flight::after(string $name, callable $callback) // Adds a filter after a framework method.
Flight::path(string $path) // Adds a path for autoloading classes.
Flight::get(string $key) // Gets a variable set by Flight::set().
Flight::set(string $key, mixed $value) // Sets a variable within the Flight engine.
Flight::has(string $key) // Checks if a variable is set.
Flight::clear(array|string $key = []) // Clears a variable.
Flight::init() // Initializes the framework to its default settings.
Flight::app() // Gets the application object instance
Flight::request() // Gets the request object instance
Flight::response() // Gets the response object instance
Flight::router() // Gets the router object instance
Flight::view() // Gets the view object instance
Extensible Methods
Flight::start() // Starts the framework.
Flight::stop() // Stops the framework and sends a response.
Flight::halt(int $code = 200, string $message = '') // Stop the framework with an optional status code and message.
Flight::route(string $pattern, callable $callback, bool $pass_route = false, string $alias = '') // Maps a URL pattern to a callback.
Flight::post(string $pattern, callable $callback, bool $pass_route = false, string $alias = '') // Maps a POST request URL pattern to a callback.
Flight::put(string $pattern, callable $callback, bool $pass_route = false, string $alias = '') // Maps a PUT request URL pattern to a callback.
Flight::patch(string $pattern, callable $callback, bool $pass_route = false, string $alias = '') // Maps a PATCH request URL pattern to a callback.
Flight::delete(string $pattern, callable $callback, bool $pass_route = false, string $alias = '') // Maps a DELETE request URL pattern to a callback.
Flight::group(string $pattern, callable $callback) // Creates grouping for urls, pattern must be a string.
Flight::getUrl(string $name, array $params = []) // Generates a URL based on a route alias.
Flight::redirect(string $url, int $code) // Redirects to another URL.
Flight::download(string $filePath) // Downloads a file.
Flight::render(string $file, array $data, ?string $key = null) // Renders a template file.
Flight::error(Throwable $error) // Sends an HTTP 500 response.
Flight::notFound() // Sends an HTTP 404 response.
Flight::etag(string $id, string $type = 'string') // Performs ETag HTTP caching.
Flight::lastModified(int $time) // Performs last modified HTTP caching.
Flight::json(mixed $data, int $code = 200, bool $encode = true, string $charset = 'utf8', int $option) // Sends a JSON response.
Flight::jsonp(mixed $data, string $param = 'jsonp', int $code = 200, bool $encode = true, string $charset = 'utf8', int $option) // Sends a JSONP response.
Flight::jsonHalt(mixed $data, int $code = 200, bool $encode = true, string $charset = 'utf8', int $option) // Sends a JSON response and stops the framework.
Flight::onEvent(string $event, callable $callback) // Registers an event listener.
Flight::triggerEvent(string $event, ...$args) // Triggers an event.
Any custom methods added with map
and register
can also be filtered. For examples on how to map these methods, see the Extending Flight guide.
Why a Framework?
Some programmers are vehemently opposed to using frameworks. They argue that frameworks are bloated, slow, and difficult to learn. They say that frameworks are unnecessary and that you can write better code without them. There are certainly some valid points to be made about the disadvantages of using frameworks. However, there are also many advantages to using frameworks.
Reasons to Use a Framework
Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider using a framework:
- Rapid Development: Frameworks provide a lot of functionality out of the box. This means that you can build web applications more quickly. You don't have to write as much code because the framework provides a lot of the functionality that you need.
- Consistency: Frameworks provide a consistent way of doing things. This makes it easier for you to understand how the code works and makes it easier for other developers to understand your code. If you have it script by script, you might lose consistency between scripts, especially if you are working with a team of developers.
- Security: Frameworks provide security features that help protect your web applications from common security threats. This means that you don't have to worry as much about security because the framework takes care of a lot of it for you.
- Community: Frameworks have large communities of developers who contribute to the framework. This means that you can get help from other developers when you have questions or problems. It also means that there are a lot of resources available to help you learn how to use the framework.
- Best Practices: Frameworks are built using best practices. This means that you can learn from the framework and use the same best practices in your own code. This can help you become a better programmer. Sometimes you don't know what you don't know and that can bite you in the end.
- Extensibility: Frameworks are designed to be extended. This means that you can add your own functionality to the framework. This allows you to build web applications that are tailored to your specific needs.
Flight is a micro-framework. This means that it is small and lightweight. It doesn't provide as much functionality as larger frameworks like Laravel or Symfony. However, it does provide a lot of the functionality that you need to build web applications. It is also easy to learn and use. This makes it a good choice for building web applications quickly and easily. If you are new to frameworks, Flight is a great beginner framework to start with. It will help you learn about the advantages of using frameworks without overwhelming you with too much complexity. After you have some experience with Flight, it will be easier to move onto more complex frameworks like Laravel or Symfony, however Flight can still make a successful robust application.
What is Routing?
Routing is the core of the Flight framework, but what is it exactly? Routing is the process of taking a URL and matching it to a specific function in your code.
This is how you can make your website do different things based on the URL that is requested. For example, you might want to show a user's profile when they
visit /user/1234
, but show a list of all users when they visit /users
. This is all done through routing.
It might work something like this:
- A user goes to your browser and types in
. - The server receives the request and looks at the URL and passes it to your Flight application code.
- Let's say in your Flight code you have something like
Flight::route('/user/@id', [ 'UserController', 'viewUserProfile' ]);
. Your Flight application code looks at the URL and sees that it matches a route you've defined, and then runs the code that you've defined for that route. - The Flight router will then run and call the
method in theUserController
class, passing in the1234
as the$id
arg in the method. - The code in your
method will then run and do whatever you've told it to do. You might end up echoing out some HTML for the user's profile page, or if this is a RESTful API, you might echo out a JSON response with the user's information. - Flight wraps this up in a pretty bow, generates the response headers and sends it back to the user's browser.
- The user is filled with joy and gives themselves a warm hug!
And Why is it Important?
Having a proper centralized router can actually make your life dramatically easier! It just might be hard to see at first. Here are a few reasons why:
- Centralized Routing: You can keep all of your routes in one place. This makes it easier to see what routes you have and what they do. It also makes it easier to change them if you need to.
- Route Parameters: You can use route parameters to pass in data to your route methods. This is a great way to keep your code clean and organized.
- Route Groups: You can group routes together. This is great for keeping your code organized and for applying middleware to a group of routes.
- Route Aliasing: You can assign an alias to a route, so that the URL can dynamically be generated later in your code (like a template for instance). Ex: instead of hardcoding
in your code, you could instead reference the aliasuser_view
and pass in theid
as a parameter. This makes it wonderful in case you decide to change it to/admin/user/1234
later on. You won't have to change all your hard coded urls, just the URL attached to the route. - Route Middleware: You can add middleware to your routes. Middleware is incredibly powerful at adding specific behaviors to your application like authenticating that a certain user can access a route or group of routes.
I'm sure you're familiar with the script by script way of creating a website. You might have a file called index.php
that has a bunch of if
statements to check the URL and then run a specific function based on the URL. This is a form of routing, but it's not very organized and it can
get out of hand quickly. Flight's routing system is a much more organized and powerful way to handle routing.
// /user/view_profile.php?id=1234
if ($_GET['id']) {
$id = $_GET['id'];
// /user/edit_profile.php?id=1234
if ($_GET['id']) {
$id = $_GET['id'];
// etc...
Or this?
// index.php
Flight::route('/user/@id', [ 'UserController', 'viewUserProfile' ]);
Flight::route('/user/@id/edit', [ 'UserController', 'editUserProfile' ]);
// In maybe your app/controllers/UserController.php
class UserController {
public function viewUserProfile($id) {
// do something
public function editUserProfile($id) {
// do something
Hopefully you can start to see the benefits of using a centralized routing system. It's a lot easier to manage and understand in the long run!
Requests and Responses
Flight provides a simple and easy way to handle requests and responses. This is the core of what a web framework does. It takes in a request from a user's browser, processes it, and then sends back a response. This is how you can build web applications that do things like show a user's profile, let a user log in, or let a user post a new blog post.
A request is what a user's browser sends to your server when they visit your website. This request contains information about what the user wants to do. For example, it might contain information about what URL the user wants to visit, what data the user wants to send to your server, or what kind of data the user wants to receive from your server. It's important to know that a request is read-only. You can't change the request, but you can read from it.
Flight provides a simple way to access information about the request. You can access information about the request using the Flight::request()
method. This method returns a Request
object that contains information about the request. You can use this object to access information about
the request, such as the URL, the method, or the data that the user sent to your server.
A response is what your server sends back to a user's browser when they visit your website. This response contains information about what your server wants to do. For example, it might contain information about what kind of data your server wants to send to the user, what kind of data your server wants to receive from the user, or what kind of data your server wants to store on the user's computer.
Flight provides a simple way to send a response to a user's browser. You can send a response using the Flight::response()
method. This method
takes a Response
object as an argument and sends the response to the user's browser. You can use this object to send a response to the user's
browser, such as HTML, JSON, or a file. Flight helps you auto generate some parts of the response to make things easy, but ultimately you have
control over what you send back to the user.
Flight helps generate part of the response headers for you, but you hold most of the control over what you send back to the user. Sometimes you can access the Response
object directly, but most of the time you'll use the Flight
instance to send a response.
Sending a Basic Response
Flight uses ob_start() to buffer the output. This means you can use echo
or print
to send a response to the user and Flight will capture it and send it back to the user with the appropriate headers.
// This will send "Hello, World!" to the user's browser
Flight::route('/', function() {
echo "Hello, World!";
// HTTP/1.1 200 OK
// Content-Type: text/html
// Hello, World!
As an alternative, you can call the write()
method to add to the body as well.
// This will send "Hello, World!" to the user's browser
Flight::route('/', function() {
// verbose, but gets the job sometimes when you need it
Flight::response()->write("Hello, World!");
// if you want to retrieve the body that you've set at this point
// you can do so like this
$body = Flight::response()->getBody();
Status Codes
You can set the status code of the response by using the status
Flight::route('/@id', function($id) {
if($id == 123) {
echo "Hello, World!";
} else {
echo "Forbidden";
If you want to get the current status code, you can use the status
method without any arguments:
Flight::response()->status(); // 200
Setting a Response Body
You can set the response body by using the write
method, however, if you echo or print anything,
it will be captured and sent as the response body via output buffering.
Flight::route('/', function() {
Flight::response()->write("Hello, World!");
// same as
Flight::route('/', function() {
echo "Hello, World!";
Clearing a Response Body
If you want to clear the response body, you can use the clearBody
Flight::route('/', function() {
if($someCondition) {
Flight::response()->write("Hello, World!");
} else {
Running a Callback on the Response Body
You can run a callback on the response body by using the addResponseBodyCallback
Flight::route('/users', function() {
$db = Flight::db();
$users = $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM users");
Flight::render('users_table', ['users' => $users]);
// This will gzip all the responses for any route
Flight::response()->addResponseBodyCallback(function($body) {
return gzencode($body, 9);
You can add multiple callbacks and they will be run in the order they were added. Because this can accept any callable, it can accept a class array [ $class, 'method' ]
, a closure $strReplace = function($body) { str_replace('hi', 'there', $body); };
, or a function name 'minify'
if you had a function to minify your html code for example.
Note: Route callbacks will not work if you are using the flight.v2.output_buffering
configuration option.
Specific Route Callback
If you wanted this to only apply to a specific route, you could add the callback in the route itself:
Flight::route('/users', function() {
$db = Flight::db();
$users = $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM users");
Flight::render('users_table', ['users' => $users]);
// This will gzip only the response for this route
Flight::response()->addResponseBodyCallback(function($body) {
return gzencode($body, 9);
Middleware Option
You can also use middleware to apply the callback to all routes via middleware:
// MinifyMiddleware.php
class MinifyMiddleware {
public function before() {
// Apply the callback here on the response() object.
Flight::response()->addResponseBodyCallback(function($body) {
return $this->minify($body);
protected function minify(string $body): string {
// minify the body somehow
return $body;
// index.php
Flight::group('/users', function() {
Flight::route('', function() { /* ... */ });
Flight::route('/@id', function($id) { /* ... */ });
}, [ new MinifyMiddleware() ]);
Setting a Response Header
You can set a header such as content type of the response by using the header
// This will send "Hello, World!" to the user's browser in plain text
Flight::route('/', function() {
Flight::response()->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
// or
Flight::response()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
echo "Hello, World!";
Flight provides support for sending JSON and JSONP responses. To send a JSON response you pass some data to be JSON encoded:
Flight::json(['id' => 123]);
Note: By default, Flight will send a
Content-Type: application/json
header with the response. It will also use the constantsJSON_THROW_ON_ERROR
when encoding the JSON.
JSON with Status Code
You can also pass in a status code as the second argument:
Flight::json(['id' => 123], 201);
JSON with Pretty Print
You can also pass in an argument to the last position to enable pretty printing:
Flight::json(['id' => 123], 200, true, 'utf-8', JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
If you are changing options passed into Flight::json()
and want a simpler syntax, you can
just remap the JSON method:
Flight::map('json', function($data, $code = 200, $options = 0) {
Flight::_json($data, $code, true, 'utf-8', $options);
// And now it can be used like this
Flight::json(['id' => 123], 200, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
JSON and Stop Execution (v3.10.0)
If you want to send a JSON response and stop execution, you can use the jsonHalt
This is useful for cases where you are checking for maybe some type of authorization and if
the user is not authorized, you can send a JSON response immediately, clear the existing body
content and stop execution.
Flight::route('/users', function() {
$authorized = someAuthorizationCheck();
// Check if the user is authorized
if($authorized === false) {
Flight::jsonHalt(['error' => 'Unauthorized'], 401);
// Continue with the rest of the route
Before v3.10.0, you would have to do something like this:
Flight::route('/users', function() {
$authorized = someAuthorizationCheck();
// Check if the user is authorized
if($authorized === false) {
Flight::halt(401, json_encode(['error' => 'Unauthorized']));
// Continue with the rest of the route
For JSONP requests you, can optionally pass in the query parameter name you are using to define your callback function:
Flight::jsonp(['id' => 123], 'q');
So, when making a GET request using ?q=my_func
, you should receive the output:
If you don't pass in a query parameter name it will default to jsonp
Redirect to another URL
You can redirect the current request by using the redirect()
method and passing
in a new URL:
By default Flight sends a HTTP 303 ("See Other") status code. You can optionally set a custom code:
Flight::redirect('/new/location', 401);
You can stop the framework at any point by calling the halt
You can also specify an optional HTTP
status code and message:
Flight::halt(200, 'Be right back...');
Calling halt
will discard any response content up to that point. If you want to stop
the framework and output the current response, use the stop
Clearing Response Data
You can clear the response body and headers by using the clear()
method. This will clear
any headers assigned to the response, clear the response body, and set the status code to 200
Clearing Response Body Only
If you only want to clear the response body, you can use the clearBody()
// This will still keep any headers set on the response() object.
HTTP Caching
Flight provides built-in support for HTTP level caching. If the caching condition
is met, Flight will return an HTTP 304 Not Modified
response. The next time the
client requests the same resource, they will be prompted to use their locally
cached version.
Route Level Caching
If you want to cache your whole response, you can use the cache()
method and pass in time to cache.
// This will cache the response for 5 minutes
Flight::route('/news', function () {
Flight::response()->cache(time() + 300);
echo 'This content will be cached.';
// Alternatively, you can use a string that you would pass
// to the strtotime() method
Flight::route('/news', function () {
Flight::response()->cache('+5 minutes');
echo 'This content will be cached.';
You can use the lastModified
method and pass in a UNIX timestamp to set the date
and time a page was last modified. The client will continue to use their cache until
the last modified value is changed.
Flight::route('/news', function () {
echo 'This content will be cached.';
caching is similar to Last-Modified
, except you can specify any id you
want for the resource:
Flight::route('/news', function () {
echo 'This content will be cached.';
Keep in mind that calling either lastModified
or etag
will both set and check the
cache value. If the cache value is the same between requests, Flight will immediately
send an HTTP 304
response and stop processing.
Download a File (v3.12.0)
There is a helper method to download a file. You can use the download
method and pass in the path.
Flight::route('/download', function () {
Events System in Flight PHP (v3.15.0+)
Flight PHP introduces a lightweight and intuitive event system that lets you register and trigger custom events in your application. With the addition of Flight::onEvent()
and Flight::triggerEvent()
, you can now hook into key moments of your app’s lifecycle or define your own events to make your code more modular and extensible. These methods are part of Flight’s mappable methods, meaning you can override their behavior to suit your needs.
This guide covers everything you need to know to get started with events, including why they’re valuable, how to use them, and practical examples to help beginners understand their power.
Why Use Events?
Events allow you to separate different parts of your application so they don’t depend too heavily on each other. This separation—often called decoupling—makes your code easier to update, extend, or debug. Instead of writing everything in one big chunk, you can split your logic into smaller, independent pieces that respond to specific actions (events).
Imagine you’re building a blog app:
- When a user posts a comment, you might want to:
- Save the comment to the database.
- Send an email to the blog owner.
- Log the action for security.
Without events, you’d cram all this into one function. With events, you can split it up: one part saves the comment, another triggers an event like 'comment.posted'
, and separate listeners handle the email and logging. This keeps your code cleaner and lets you add or remove features (like notifications) without touching the core logic.
Common Uses
- Logging: Record actions like logins or errors without cluttering your main code.
- Notifications: Send emails or alerts when something happens.
- Updates: Refresh caches or notify other systems about changes.
Registering Event Listeners
To listen for an event, use Flight::onEvent()
. This method lets you define what should happen when an event occurs.
Flight::onEvent(string $event, callable $callback): void
: A name for your event (e.g.,'user.login'
: The function to run when the event is triggered.
How It Works
You "subscribe" to an event by telling Flight what to do when it happens. The callback can accept arguments passed from the event trigger.
Flight's event system is synchronous, which means that each event listener is executed in sequence, one after another. When you trigger an event, all registered listeners for that event will run to completion before your code continues. This is important to understand as it differs from asynchronous event systems where listeners might run in parallel or at a later time.
Simple Example
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
echo "Welcome back, $username!";
Here, when the 'user.login'
event is triggered, it’ll greet the user by name.
Key Points
- You can add multiple listeners to the same event—they’ll run in the order you registered them.
- The callback can be a function, an anonymous function, or a method from a class.
Triggering Events
To make an event happen, use Flight::triggerEvent()
. This tells Flight to run all the listeners registered for that event, passing along any data you provide.
Flight::triggerEvent(string $event, ...$args): void
: The event name you’re triggering (must match a registered event)....$args
: Optional arguments to send to the listeners (can be any number of arguments).
Simple Example
$username = 'alice';
Flight::triggerEvent('user.login', $username);
This triggers the 'user.login'
event and sends 'alice'
to the listener we defined earlier, which will output: Welcome back, alice!
Key Points
- If no listeners are registered, nothing happens—your app won’t break.
- Use the spread operator (
) to pass multiple arguments flexibly.
Registering Event Listeners
Stopping Further Listeners:
If a listener returns false
, no additional listeners for that event will be executed. This allows you to halt the event chain based on specific conditions. Remember, the order of listeners matters, as the first one to return false
will stop the rest from running.
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
if (isBanned($username)) {
return false; // Stops subsequent listeners
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
sendWelcomeEmail($username); // this is never sent
Overriding Event Methods
and Flight::triggerEvent()
are available to be extended, meaning you can redefine how they work. This is great for advanced users who want to customize the event system, like adding logging or changing how events are dispatched.
Example: Customizing onEvent
Flight::map('onEvent', function (string $event, callable $callback) {
// Log every event registration
error_log("New event listener added for: $event");
// Call the default behavior (assuming an internal event system)
Flight::_onEvent($event, $callback);
Now, every time you register an event, it logs it before proceeding.
Why Override?
- Add debugging or monitoring.
- Restrict events in certain environments (e.g., disable in testing).
- Integrate with a different event library.
Where to Put Your Events
As a beginner, you might wonder: where do I register all these events in my app? Flight’s simplicity means there’s no strict rule—you can put them wherever makes sense for your project. However, keeping them organized helps you maintain your code as your app grows. Here are some practical options and best practices, tailored to Flight’s lightweight nature:
Option 1: In Your Main index.php
For small apps or quick prototypes, you can register events right in your index.php
file alongside your routes. This keeps everything in one place, which is fine when simplicity is your priority.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Register events
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
error_log("$username logged in at " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
// Define routes
Flight::route('/login', function () {
$username = 'bob';
Flight::triggerEvent('user.login', $username);
echo "Logged in!";
- Pros: Simple, no extra files, great for small projects.
- Cons: Can get messy as your app grows with more events and routes.
Option 2: A Separate events.php
For a slightly larger app, consider moving event registrations into a dedicated file like app/config/events.php
. Include this file in your index.php
before your routes. This mimics how routes are often organized in app/config/routes.php
in Flight projects.
// app/config/events.php
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
error_log("$username logged in at " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
Flight::onEvent('user.registered', function ($email, $name) {
echo "Email sent to $email: Welcome, $name!";
// index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require 'app/config/events.php';
Flight::route('/login', function () {
$username = 'bob';
Flight::triggerEvent('user.login', $username);
echo "Logged in!";
- Pros: Keeps
focused on routing, organizes events logically, easy to find and edit. - Cons: Adds a tiny bit of structure, which might feel like overkill for very small apps.
Option 3: Near Where They’re Triggered
Another approach is to register events close to where they’re triggered, like inside a controller or route definition. This works well if an event is specific to one part of your app.
Flight::route('/signup', function () {
// Register event here
Flight::onEvent('user.registered', function ($email) {
echo "Welcome email sent to $email!";
$email = 'jane@example.com';
Flight::triggerEvent('user.registered', $email);
echo "Signed up!";
- Pros: Keeps related code together, good for isolated features.
- Cons: Scatters event registrations, making it harder to see all events at once; risks duplicate registrations if not careful.
Best Practice for Flight
- Start Simple: For tiny apps, put events in
. It’s quick and aligns with Flight’s minimalism. - Grow Smart: As your app expands (e.g., more than 5-10 events), use an
file. It’s a natural step up, like organizing routes, and keeps your code tidy without adding complex frameworks. - Avoid Over-Engineering: Don’t create a full-blown “event manager” class or directory unless your app gets huge—Flight thrives on simplicity, so keep it lightweight.
Tip: Group by Purpose
In events.php
, group related events (e.g., all user-related events together) with comments for clarity:
// app/config/events.php
// User Events
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
error_log("$username logged in");
Flight::onEvent('user.registered', function ($email) {
echo "Welcome to $email!";
// Page Events
Flight::onEvent('page.updated', function ($pageId) {
This structure scales well and stays beginner-friendly.
Examples for Beginners
Let’s walk through some real-world scenarios to show how events work and why they’re helpful.
Example 1: Logging a User Login
// Step 1: Register a listener
Flight::onEvent('user.login', function ($username) {
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
error_log("$username logged in at $time");
// Step 2: Trigger it in your app
Flight::route('/login', function () {
$username = 'bob'; // Pretend this comes from a form
Flight::triggerEvent('user.login', $username);
echo "Hi, $username!";
Why It’s Useful: The login code doesn’t need to know about logging—it just triggers the event. You can later add more listeners (e.g., send a welcome email) without changing the route.
Example 2: Notifying About New Users
// Listener for new registrations
Flight::onEvent('user.registered', function ($email, $name) {
// Simulate sending an email
echo "Email sent to $email: Welcome, $name!";
// Trigger it when someone signs up
Flight::route('/signup', function () {
$email = 'jane@example.com';
$name = 'Jane';
Flight::triggerEvent('user.registered', $email, $name);
echo "Thanks for signing up!";
Why It’s Useful: The signup logic focuses on creating the user, while the event handles notifications. You could add more listeners (e.g., log the signup) later.
Example 3: Clearing a Cache
// Listener to clear a cache
Flight::onEvent('page.updated', function ($pageId) {
unset($_SESSION['pages'][$pageId]); // Clear session cache if applicable
echo "Cache cleared for page $pageId.";
// Trigger when a page is edited
Flight::route('/edit-page/(@id)', function ($pageId) {
// Pretend we updated the page
Flight::triggerEvent('page.updated', $pageId);
echo "Page $pageId updated.";
Why It’s Useful: The editing code doesn’t care about caching—it just signals the update. Other parts of the app can react as needed.
Best Practices
- Name Events Clearly: Use specific names like
so it’s obvious what they do. - Keep Listeners Simple: Don’t put slow or complex tasks in listeners—keep your app fast.
- Test Your Events: Trigger them manually to ensure listeners work as expected.
- Use Events Wisely: They’re great for decoupling, but too many can make your code hard to follow—use them when it makes sense.
The event system in Flight PHP, with Flight::onEvent()
and Flight::triggerEvent()
, gives you a simple yet powerful way to build flexible applications. By letting different parts of your app talk to each other through events, you can keep your code organized, reusable, and easy to expand. Whether you’re logging actions, sending notifications, or managing updates, events help you do it without tangling your logic. Plus, with the ability to override these methods, you’ve got the freedom to tailor the system to your needs. Start small with a single event, and watch how it transforms your app’s structure!
Built-in Events
Flight PHP comes with a few built-in events that you can use to hook into the framework's lifecycle. These events are triggered at specific points in the request/response cycle, allowing you to execute custom logic when certain actions occur.
Built-in Events List
- flight.request.received:
function(Request $request)
Triggered when a request is received, parsed and processed. - flight.error:
function(Throwable $exception)
Triggered when an error occurs during the request lifecycle. - flight.redirect:
function(string $url, int $status_code)
Triggered when a redirect is initiated. - flight.middleware.before:
function(Route $route)
Triggered after the before middleware is executed. - flight.middleware.after:
function(Route $route)
Triggered after the after middleware is executed. - flight.middleware.executed:
function(Route $route, $middleware)
Triggered after any middleware is executed - flight.route.matched:
function(Route $route)
Triggered when a route is matched, but not yet run. - flight.route.executed:
function(Route $route, float $executionTime)
Triggered after a route is executed and processed.$executionTime
is time it took to execute the route (call the controller, etc). - flight.view.rendered:
function(string $template_file_path, float $executionTime)
Triggered after a view is rendered.$executionTime
is time it took to render the template. Note: If you override therender
method, you will need to re-trigger this event. - flight.response.sent:
function(Response $response, float $executionTime)
Triggered after a response is sent to the client.$executionTime
is time it took to build the response.
HTML Views and Templates
Flight provides some basic templating functionality by default.
Flight allows you to swap out the default view engine simply by registering your own view class. Scroll down to see examples of how to use Smarty, Latte, Blade, and more!
Built-in View Engine
To display a view template call the render
method with the name
of the template file and optional template data:
Flight::render('hello.php', ['name' => 'Bob']);
The template data you pass in is automatically injected into the template and can
be reference like a local variable. Template files are simply PHP files. If the
content of the hello.php
template file is:
Hello, <?= $name ?>!
The output would be:
Hello, Bob!
You can also manually set view variables by using the set method:
Flight::view()->set('name', 'Bob');
The variable name
is now available across all your views. So you can simply do:
Note that when specifying the name of the template in the render method, you can
leave out the .php
By default Flight will look for a views
directory for template files. You can
set an alternate path for your templates by setting the following config:
Flight::set('flight.views.path', '/path/to/views');
It is common for websites to have a single layout template file with interchanging
content. To render content to be used in a layout, you can pass in an optional
parameter to the render
Flight::render('header', ['heading' => 'Hello'], 'headerContent');
Flight::render('body', ['body' => 'World'], 'bodyContent');
Your view will then have saved variables called headerContent
and bodyContent
You can then render your layout by doing:
Flight::render('layout', ['title' => 'Home Page']);
If the template files looks like this:
<h1><?= $heading ?></h1>
<div><?= $body ?></div>
<title><?= $title ?></title>
<?= $headerContent ?>
<?= $bodyContent ?>
The output would be:
<title>Home Page</title>
Here's how you would use the Smarty template engine for your views:
// Load Smarty library
require './Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';
// Register Smarty as the view class
// Also pass a callback function to configure Smarty on load
Flight::register('view', Smarty::class, [], function (Smarty $smarty) {
// Assign template data
Flight::view()->assign('name', 'Bob');
// Display the template
For completeness, you should also override Flight's default render method:
Flight::map('render', function(string $template, array $data): void {
Here's how you would use the Latte template engine for your views:
// Register Latte as the view class
// Also pass a callback function to configure Latte on load
Flight::register('view', Latte\Engine::class, [], function (Latte\Engine $latte) {
// This is where Latte will cache your templates to speed things up
// One neat thing about Latte is that it automatically refreshes your
// cache when you make changes to your templates!
$latte->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../cache/');
// Tell Latte where the root directory for your views will be at.
$latte->setLoader(new \Latte\Loaders\FileLoader(__DIR__ . '/../views/'));
// And wrap it up so you can use Flight::render() correctly
Flight::map('render', function(string $template, array $data): void {
// This is like $latte_engine->render($template, $data);
echo Flight::view()->render($template, $data);
Here's how you would use the Blade template engine for your views:
First, you need to install the BladeOne library via Composer:
composer require eftec/bladeone
Then, you can configure BladeOne as the view class in Flight:
// Load BladeOne library
use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
// Register BladeOne as the view class
// Also pass a callback function to configure BladeOne on load
Flight::register('view', BladeOne::class, [], function (BladeOne $blade) {
$views = __DIR__ . '/../views';
$cache = __DIR__ . '/../cache';
// Assign template data
Flight::view()->share('name', 'Bob');
// Display the template
echo Flight::view()->run('hello', []);
For completeness, you should also override Flight's default render method:
Flight::map('render', function(string $template, array $data): void {
echo Flight::view()->run($template, $data);
In this example, the hello.blade.php template file might look like this:
Hello, {{ $name }}!
The output would be:
Hello, Bob!
By following these steps, you can integrate the Blade template engine with Flight and use it to render your views.
Flight vs Fat-Free
What is Fat-Free?
Fat-Free (affectionately known as F3) is a powerful yet easy-to-use PHP micro-framework designed to help you build dynamic and robust web applications - fast!
Flight compares with Fat-Free in many ways and is probably the closest cousin in terms of features and simplicity. Fat-Free has a lot of features that Flight does not have, but it also has a lot of features that Flight does have. Fat-Free is starting to show its age and is not as popular as it once was.
Updates are becoming less frequent and the community is not as active as it once was. The code is simple enough, but sometimes the lack of syntax discipline can make it difficult to read and understand. It does work for PHP 8.3, but the code itself still looks like it lives in PHP 5.3.
Pros compared to Flight
- Fat-Free has a few more stars on GitHub than Flight does.
- Fat-Free has some decent documentation, but it does lack in some areas with clarity.
- Fat-Free has some sparse resources like YouTube tutorials and online articles that can be used to learn the framework.
- Fat-Free has some helpful plugins built-in that are sometimes helpful.
- Fat-Free has a built-in ORM called a Mapper that can be used to interact with your database. Flight has active-record.
- Fat-Free has Sessions, Caching and localization built-in. Flight requires you to use third-party libraries, but is covered in the documentation.
- Fat-Free has a small group of community created plugins that can be used to extend the framework. Flight has some covered in the documentation and examples pages.
- Fat-Free like Flight has no dependencies.
- Fat-Free like Flight is geared towards giving the developer control over their application and a simple developer experience.
- Fat-Free maintains backwards compatibility like Flight does (partially because updates are getting less frequent).
- Fat-Free like Flight is meant for developers who are venturing into the land of frameworks for the first time.
- Fat-Free has a built in template engine that is more robust than Flight's template engine. Flight recommends Latte to accomplish this.
- Fat-Free has a unique CLI type "route" command where you can build CLI apps within Fat-Free itself and treat it much like a
request. Flight accomplishes this with runway.
Cons compared to Flight
- Fat-Free has some implementation tests and even has it's own test class that's very basic. However, it is not 100% unit tested like Flight is.
- You have to use a search engine like Google to actually search the documentation site.
- Flight has dark mode on their documentation site. (mic drop)
- Fat-Free has some modules that are woefully unmaintained.
- Flight has a simple PdoWrapper that is a touch more simple than Fat-Free's built in
class. - Flight has a permissions plugin that can be used to secure your application. Slim requires you to use a third-party library.
- Flight has an ORM called active-record which feels more like an ORM than Fat-Free's Mapper.
The added benefit of
is that you can define relationships between records for automatic joins where Fat-Free's Mapper requires you to create SQL views. - Amazingly enough, Fat-Free does not have a root namespace. Flight is namespaced all the way through to not collide with your own code.
class is the biggest offender here. - Fat-Free does not have middleware. Instead there are
hooks that can be used to filter requests and responses in controllers. - Fat-Free cannot group routes.
- Fat-Free has a dependency injection container handler, but the documentation is incredibly sparse on how to use it.
- Debugging can get a little tricky since basically everything is stored in what's called the
Flight is designed to be an extensible framework. The framework comes with a set of default methods and components, but it allows you to map your own methods, register your own classes, or even override existing classes and methods.
If you are looking for a DIC (Dependency Injection Container), hop over to the Dependency Injection Container page.
Mapping Methods
To map your own simple custom method, you use the map
// Map your method
Flight::map('hello', function (string $name) {
echo "hello $name!";
// Call your custom method
While it is possible to make simple custom methods, it is recommended to just create standard functions in PHP. This has autocomplete in IDE's and is easier to read. The equivalent of the above code would be:
function hello(string $name) {
echo "hello $name!";
This is used more when you need to pass variables into your method to get an expected
value. Using the register()
method like below is more for passing in configuration
and then calling your pre-configured class.
Registering Classes
To register your own class and configure it, you use the register
// Register your class
Flight::register('user', User::class);
// Get an instance of your class
$user = Flight::user();
The register method also allows you to pass along parameters to your class constructor. So when you load your custom class, it will come pre-initialized. You can define the constructor parameters by passing in an additional array. Here's an example of loading a database connection:
// Register class with constructor parameters
Flight::register('db', PDO::class, ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'user', 'pass']);
// Get an instance of your class
// This will create an object with the defined parameters
// new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass');
$db = Flight::db();
// and if you needed it later in your code, you just call the same method again
class SomeController {
public function __construct() {
$this->db = Flight::db();
If you pass in an additional callback parameter, it will be executed immediately after class construction. This allows you to perform any set up procedures for your new object. The callback function takes one parameter, an instance of the new object.
// The callback will be passed the object that was constructed
['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'user', 'pass'],
function (PDO $db) {
By default, every time you load your class you will get a shared instance.
To get a new instance of a class, simply pass in false
as a parameter:
// Shared instance of the class
$shared = Flight::db();
// New instance of the class
$new = Flight::db(false);
Keep in mind that mapped methods have precedence over registered classes. If you declare both using the same name, only the mapped method will be invoked.
Flight does not have a built in logging system, however, it is really easy to use a logging library with Flight. Here is an example using the Monolog library:
// index.php or bootstrap.php
// Register the logger with Flight
Flight::register('log', Monolog\Logger::class, [ 'name' ], function(Monolog\Logger $log) {
$log->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Monolog\Logger::WARNING));
Now that it's registered, you can use it in your application:
// In your controller or route
Flight::log()->warning('This is a warning message');
This will log a message to the log file you specified. What if you want to log something when an
error occurs? You can use the error
// In your controller or route
Flight::map('error', function(Throwable $ex) {
// Display your custom error page
include 'errors/500.html';
You also could create a basic APM (Application Performance Monitoring) system
using the before
and after
// In your bootstrap file
Flight::before('start', function() {
Flight::set('start_time', microtime(true));
Flight::after('start', function() {
$end = microtime(true);
$start = Flight::get('start_time');
Flight::log()->info('Request '.Flight::request()->url.' took ' . round($end - $start, 4) . ' seconds');
// You could also add your request or response headers
// to log them as well (be careful as this would be a
// lot of data if you have a lot of requests)
Flight::log()->info('Request Headers: ' . json_encode(Flight::request()->headers));
Flight::log()->info('Response Headers: ' . json_encode(Flight::response()->headers));
Overriding Framework Methods
Flight allows you to override its default functionality to suit your own needs, without having to modify any code. You can view all the methods you can override here.
For example, when Flight cannot match a URL to a route, it invokes the notFound
method which sends a generic HTTP 404
response. You can override this behavior
by using the map
Flight::map('notFound', function() {
// Display custom 404 page
include 'errors/404.html';
Flight also allows you to replace core components of the framework. For example you can replace the default Router class with your own custom class:
// Register your custom class
Flight::register('router', MyRouter::class);
// When Flight loads the Router instance, it will load your class
$myrouter = Flight::router();
Framework methods like map
and register
however cannot be overridden. You will
get an error if you try to do so.
Flight vs Slim
What is Slim?
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
A lot of the inspiration for some of the v3 features of Flight actually came from Slim. Grouping routes, and executing middleware in a specific order are two features that were inspired by Slim. Slim v3 came out geared towards simplicity, but there has been mixed reviews regarding v4.
Pros compared to Flight
- Slim has a larger community of developers, who in turn make handy modules to help you not reinvent the wheel.
- Slim follows a lot of interfaces and standards that are common in the PHP community, which increases interoperability.
- Slim has decent documentation and tutorials that can be used to learn the framework (nothing compared to Laravel or Symfony though).
- Slim has some various resources like YouTube tutorials and online articles that can be used to learn the framework.
- Slim let's you use whatever components you want to handle the core routing features as it is PSR-7 compliant.
Cons compared to Flight
- Surprisingly, Slim isn't as fast as you think it would be for a micro-framework. See the TechEmpower benchmarks for more information.
- Flight is geared towards a developer who is looking to build a lightweight, fast, and easy to use web application.
- Flight has no dependencies, whereas Slim has a few dependencies that you must install.
- Flight is geared towards simplicity and ease of use.
- One of Flight's core features is that it does it's best to maintain backwards compatibility. Slim v3 to v4 was a breaking change.
- Flight is meant for developers who are venturing into the land of frameworks for the first time.
- Flight can also do enterprise level applications, but it does not have as many examples and tutorials as Slim does. It will also require more discipline on the part of the developer to keep things organized and well-structured.
- Flight gives the developer more control over the application, whereas Slim can sneak in some magic behind the scenes.
- Flight has a simple PdoWrapper that can be used to interact with your database. Slim requires you to use a third-party library.
- Flight has a permissions plugin that can be used to secure your application. Slim requires you to use a third-party library.
- Flight has an ORM called active-record that can be used to interact with your database. Slim requires you to use a third-party library.
- Flight has a CLI application called runway that can be used to run your application from the command line. Slim does not.
Autoloading is a concept in PHP where you specific a directory or directories to load classes from. This is much more beneficial than using require
or include
to load classes. It is also a requirement for using Composer packages.
By default any Flight
class is autoloaded for your automatically thanks to composer. However, if you want to autoload your own classes, you can use the Flight::path()
method to specify a directory to load classes from.
Basic Example
Let's assume we have a directory tree like the following:
# Example path
├── app
│ ├── cache
│ ├── config
│ ├── controllers - contains the controllers for this project
│ ├── translations
│ ├── UTILS - contains classes for just this application (this is all caps on purpose for an example later)
│ └── views
└── public
└── css
└── js
└── index.php
You may have noticed that this is the same file structure as this documentation site.
You can specify each directory to load from like this:
* public/index.php
// Add a path to the autoloader
* app/controllers/MyController.php
// no namespacing required
// All autoloaded classes are recommended to be Pascal Case (each word capitalized, no spaces)
// As of 3.7.2, you can use Pascal_Snake_Case for your class names by running Loader::setV2ClassLoading(false);
class MyController {
public function index() {
// do something
If you do have namespaces, it actually becomes very easy to implement this. You should use the Flight::path()
method to specify the root directory (not the document root or public/
folder) of your application.
* public/index.php
// Add a path to the autoloader
Now this is what your controller might look like. Look at the example below, but pay attention to the comments for important information.
* app/controllers/MyController.php
// namespaces are required
// namespaces are the same as the directory structure
// namespaces must follow the same case as the directory structure
// namespaces and directories cannot have any underscores (unless Loader::setV2ClassLoading(false) is set)
namespace app\controllers;
// All autoloaded classes are recommended to be Pascal Case (each word capitalized, no spaces)
// As of 3.7.2, you can use Pascal_Snake_Case for your class names by running Loader::setV2ClassLoading(false);
class MyController {
public function index() {
// do something
And if you wanted to autoload a class in your utils directory, you would do basically the same thing:
* app/UTILS/ArrayHelperUtil.php
// namespace must match the directory structure and case (note the UTILS directory is all caps
// like in the file tree above)
namespace app\UTILS;
class ArrayHelperUtil {
public function changeArrayCase(array $array) {
// do something
Underscores in Class Names
As of 3.7.2, you can use Pascal_Snake_Case for your class names by running Loader::setV2ClassLoading(false);
This will allow you to use underscores in your class names.
This is not recommended, but it is available for those who need it.
* public/index.php
// Add a path to the autoloader
* app/controllers/My_Controller.php
// no namespacing required
class My_Controller {
public function index() {
// do something
This page will help you troubleshoot common issues that you may run into when using Flight.
Common Issues
404 Not Found or Unexpected Route Behavior
If you are seeing a 404 Not Found error (but you swear on your life that it's really there and it's not a typo) this actually could be a problem with you returning a value in your route endpoint instead of just echoing it. The reason for this is intentional but could sneak up on some developers.
Flight::route('/hello', function(){
// This might cause a 404 Not Found error
return 'Hello World';
// What you probably want
Flight::route('/hello', function(){
echo 'Hello World';
The reason for this is because of a special mechanism built into the router that handles the return output as a single to "go to the next route". You can see the behavior documented in the Routing section.
Class Not Found (autoloading not working)
There could be a couple reasons for this one not happening. Below are some examples but make sure you also check out the autoloading section.
Incorrect File Name
The most common is that the class name doesn't match the file name.
If you have a class named MyClass
then the file should be named MyClass.php
. If you have a class named MyClass
and the file is named myclass.php
then the autoloader won't be able to find it.
Incorrect Namespace
If you are using namespaces, then the namespace should match the directory structure.
// code
// if your MyController is in the app/controllers directory and it's namespaced
// this will not work.
Flight::route('/hello', 'MyController->hello');
// you'll need to pick one of these options
Flight::route('/hello', 'app\controllers\MyController->hello');
// or if you have a use statement up top
use app\controllers\MyController;
Flight::route('/hello', [ MyController::class, 'hello' ]);
// also can be written
Flight::route('/hello', MyController::class.'->hello');
// also...
Flight::route('/hello', [ 'app\controllers\MyController', 'hello' ]);
not defined
In the skeleton app, this is defined inside the config.php
file, but in order for your classes to be found, you need to make sure that the path()
method is defined (probably to the root of your directory) before you try to use it.
// Add a path to the autoloader
Building a Simple Blog with Flight PHP
This guide walks you through creating a basic blog using the Flight PHP framework. You'll set up a project, define routes, manage posts with JSON, and render them with the Latte templating engine—all showcasing Flight’s simplicity and flexibility. By the end, you’ll have a functional blog with a homepage, individual post pages, and a creation form.
- PHP 7.4+: Installed on your system.
- Composer: For dependency management.
- Text Editor: Any editor like VS Code or PHPStorm.
- Basic knowledge of PHP and web development.
Step 1: Set Up Your Project
Start by creating a new project directory and installing Flight via Composer.
Create a Directory:
mkdir flight-blog cd flight-blog
Install Flight:
composer require flightphp/core
Create a Public Directory: Flight uses a single entry point (
). Create apublic/
folder for it:mkdir public
: Createpublic/index.php
with a simple “hello world” route:<?php require '../vendor/autoload.php'; Flight::route('/', function () { echo 'Hello, Flight!'; }); Flight::start();
Run the Built-in Server: Test your setup with PHP’s development server:
php -S localhost:8000 -t public/
to see “Hello, Flight!”.
Step 2: Organize Your Project Structure
For a clean setup, structure your project like this:
├── app/
│ ├── config/
│ └── views/
├── data/
├── public/
│ └── index.php
├── vendor/
└── composer.json
: Configuration files (e.g., events, routes).app/views/
: Templates for rendering pages.data/
: JSON file for storing blog posts.public/
: Web root withindex.php
Step 3: Install and Configure Latte
Latte is a lightweight templating engine that integrates well with Flight.
Install Latte:
composer require latte/latte
Configure Latte in Flight: Update
to register Latte as the view engine:<?php require '../vendor/autoload.php'; use Latte\Engine; Flight::register('view', Engine::class, [], function ($latte) { $latte->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../cache/'); $latte->setLoader(new \Latte\Loaders\FileLoader(__DIR__ . '/../app/views/')); }); Flight::route('/', function () { Flight::view()->render('home.latte', ['title' => 'My Blog']); }); Flight::start();
Create a Layout Template: In
:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{$title}</title> </head> <body> <header> <h1>My Blog</h1> <nav> <a href="/">Home</a> | <a href="/create">Create a Post</a> </nav> </header> <main> {block content}{/block} </main> <footer> <p>© {date('Y')} Flight Blog</p> </footer> </body> </html>
Create a Home Template: In
:{extends 'layout.latte'} {block content} <h2>{$title}</h2> <ul> {foreach $posts as $post} <li><a href="/post/{$post['slug']}">{$post['title']}</a></li> {/foreach} </ul> {/block}
Restart the server if you got out of it and visit
to see the rendered page. -
Create a Data File:
Use a JSON file to simulate a database for simplicity.
:[ { "slug": "first-post", "title": "My First Post", "content": "This is my very first blog post with Flight PHP!" } ]
Step 4: Define Routes
Separate your routes into a config file for better organization.
: Inapp/config/routes.php
:<?php Flight::route('/', function () { Flight::view()->render('home.latte', ['title' => 'My Blog']); }); Flight::route('/post/@slug', function ($slug) { Flight::view()->render('post.latte', ['title' => 'Post: ' . $slug, 'slug' => $slug]); }); Flight::route('GET /create', function () { Flight::view()->render('create.latte', ['title' => 'Create a Post']); });
: Include the routes file:<?php require '../vendor/autoload.php'; use Latte\Engine; Flight::register('view', Engine::class, [], function ($latte) { $latte->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../cache/'); $latte->setLoader(new \Latte\Loaders\FileLoader(__DIR__ . '/../app/views/')); }); require '../app/config/routes.php'; Flight::start();
Step 5: Store and Retrieve Blog Posts
Add the methods to load and save posts.
Add a Posts Method: In
, add a method to load posts:Flight::map('posts', function () { $file = __DIR__ . '/../data/posts.json'; return json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); });
Update Routes: Modify
to use posts:<?php Flight::route('/', function () { $posts = Flight::posts(); Flight::view()->render('home.latte', [ 'title' => 'My Blog', 'posts' => $posts ]); }); Flight::route('/post/@slug', function ($slug) { $posts = Flight::posts(); $post = array_filter($posts, fn($p) => $p['slug'] === $slug); $post = reset($post) ?: null; if (!$post) { Flight::notFound(); return; } Flight::view()->render('post.latte', [ 'title' => $post['title'], 'post' => $post ]); }); Flight::route('GET /create', function () { Flight::view()->render('create.latte', ['title' => 'Create a Post']); });
Step 6: Create Templates
Update your templates to display posts.
Post Page (
):{extends 'layout.latte'} {block content} <h2>{$post['title']}</h2> <div class="post-content"> <p>{$post['content']}</p> </div> {/block}
Step 7: Add Post Creation
Handle form submission to add new posts.
Create Form (
):{extends 'layout.latte'} {block content} <h2>{$title}</h2> <form method="POST" action="/create"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="title">Title:</label> <input type="text" name="title" id="title" required> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="content">Content:</label> <textarea name="content" id="content" required></textarea> </div> <button type="submit">Save Post</button> </form> {/block}
Add POST Route: In
:Flight::route('POST /create', function () { $request = Flight::request(); $title = $request->data['title']; $content = $request->data['content']; $slug = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $title)); $posts = Flight::posts(); $posts[] = ['slug' => $slug, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content]; file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../data/posts.json', json_encode($posts, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); Flight::redirect('/'); });
Test It:
- Visit
. - Submit a new post (e.g., “Second Post” with some content).
- Check the homepage to see it listed.
- Visit
Step 8: Enhance with Error Handling
Override the notFound
method for a better 404 experience.
In index.php
Flight::map('notFound', function () {
Flight::view()->render('404.latte', ['title' => 'Page Not Found']);
Create app/views/404.latte
{extends 'layout.latte'}
{block content}
<h2>404 - {$title}</h2>
<p>Sorry, that page doesn't exist!</p>
Next Steps
- Add Styling: Use CSS in your templates for a better look.
- Database: Replace
with a database like SQLite usingPdoWrapper
. - Validation: Add checks for duplicate slugs or empty inputs.
- Middleware: Implement authentication for post creation.
You’ve built a simple blog with Flight PHP! This guide demonstrates core features like routing, templating with Latte, and handling form submissions—all while keeping things lightweight. Explore Flight’s documentation for more advanced features to take your blog further!
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2024
@mikecao, @n0nag0n
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
What is Flight?
Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. It is quite versatile and can be used for building any kind of web application. It is built with simplicity in mind and is written in a way that is easy to understand and use.
Flight is a great beginner framework for those who are new to PHP and want to learn how to build web applications. It is also a great framework for experienced developers who want more control over their web applications. It is engineered to easily build a RESTful API, a simple web application, or a complex web application.
Quick Start
First install it with Composer
composer require flightphp/core
or you can download a zip of the repo here. Then you would have a basic index.php
file like the following:
// if installed with composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// or if installed manually by zip file
// require 'flight/Flight.php';
Flight::route('/', function() {
echo 'hello world!';
Flight::route('/json', function() {
Flight::json(['hello' => 'world']);
That's it! You have a basic Flight application. You can now run this file with php -S localhost:8000
and visit http://localhost:8000
in your browser to see the output.
Is it fast?
Yes! Flight is fast. It is one of the fastest PHP frameworks available. You can see all the benchmarks at TechEmpower
See the benchmark below with some other popular PHP frameworks.
Framework | Plaintext Reqs/sec | JSON Reqs/sec |
Flight | 190,421 | 182,491 |
Yii | 145,749 | 131,434 |
Fat-Free | 139,238 | 133,952 |
Slim | 89,588 | 87,348 |
Phalcon | 95,911 | 87,675 |
Symfony | 65,053 | 63,237 |
Lumen | 40,572 | 39,700 |
Laravel | 26,657 | 26,901 |
CodeIgniter | 20,628 | 19,901 |
Skeleton/Boilerplate App
There is an example app that can help you get started with the Flight Framework. Go to flightphp/skeleton for instructions on how to get started! You can also visit the examples page for inspiration on some of the things you can do with Flight.
We're on Matrix Chat
And Discord
There are two ways you can contribute to Flight:
- You can contribute to the core framework by visiting the core repository.
- You can contribute to the documentation. This documentation website is hosted on Github. If you notice an error or want to flesh out something better, feel free to correct it and submit a pull request! We try to keep up on things, but updates and language translations are welcome.
Flight requires PHP 7.4 or greater.
Note: PHP 7.4 is supported because at the current time of writing (2024) PHP 7.4 is the default version for some LTS Linux distributions. Forcing a move to PHP >8 would cause a lot of heartburn for those users. The framework also supports PHP >8.
Flight is released under the MIT license.
overclokk/cookie is a simple library for managing cookies within your app.
Installation is simple with composer.
composer require overclokk/cookie
Usage is as simple as registering a new method on the Flight class.
use Overclokk\Cookie\Cookie;
* Set in your bootstrap or public/index.php file
Flight::register('cookie', Cookie::class);
* ExampleController.php
class ExampleController {
public function login() {
// Set a cookie
// you'll want this to be false so you get a new instance
// use the below comment if you want autocomplete
/** @var \Overclokk\Cookie\Cookie $cookie */
$cookie = Flight::cookie(false);
'stay_logged_in', // name of the cookie
'1', // the value you want to set it to
86400, // number of seconds the cookie should last
'/', // path that the cookie will be available to
'example.com', // domain that the cookie will be available to
true, // cookie will only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection
true // cookie will only be available through the HTTP protocol
// optionally, if you want to keep the default values
// and have a quick way to set a cookie for a long time
$cookie->forever('stay_logged_in', '1');
public function home() {
// Check if you have the cookie
if (Flight::cookie()->has('stay_logged_in')) {
// put them in the dashboard area for example.
PHP Encryption
defuse/php-encryption is a library that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data. Getting up and running is fairly simple to start encrypting and decrypting data. They have a great tutorial that helps explain the basics of how to use the library as well as important security implications regarding encryption.
Installation is simple with composer.
composer require defuse/php-encryption
Then you'll need to generate an encryption key.
This will spit out a key that you'll need to keep safe. You could keep the key in your app/config/config.php
file in the array at the bottom of the file. While it's not the perfect spot, it's at least something.
Now that you have the library and an encryption key, you can start encrypting and decrypting data.
use Defuse\Crypto\Crypto;
use Defuse\Crypto\Key;
* Set in your bootstrap or public/index.php file
// Encryption method
Flight::map('encrypt', function($raw_data) {
$encryption_key = /* $config['encryption_key'] or a file_get_contents of where you put the key */;
return Crypto::encrypt($raw_data, Key::loadFromAsciiSafeString($encryption_key));
// Decryption method
Flight::map('decrypt', function($encrypted_data) {
$encryption_key = /* $config['encryption_key'] or a file_get_contents of where you put the key */;
try {
$raw_data = Crypto::decrypt($encrypted_data, Key::loadFromAsciiSafeString($encryption_key));
} catch (Defuse\Crypto\Exception\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException $ex) {
// An attack! Either the wrong key was loaded, or the ciphertext has
// changed since it was created -- either corrupted in the database or
// intentionally modified by Eve trying to carry out an attack.
// ... handle this case in a way that's suitable to your application ...
return $raw_data;
Flight::route('/encrypt', function() {
$encrypted_data = Flight::encrypt('This is a secret');
echo $encrypted_data;
Flight::route('/decrypt', function() {
$encrypted_data = '...'; // Get the encrypted data from somewhere
$decrypted_data = Flight::decrypt($encrypted_data);
echo $decrypted_data;
Light, simple and standalone PHP in-file caching class
- Light, standalone and simple
- All code in one file - no pointless drivers.
- Secure - every generated cache file have a php header with die, making direct access impossible even if someone knows the path and your server is not configured properly
- Well documented and tested
- Handles concurrency correctly via flock
- Supports PHP 7.4+
- Free under a MIT license
This docs site is using this library to cache each of the pages!
Click here to view the code.
Install via composer:
composer require flightphp/cache
Usage is fairly straightforward. This saves a cache file in the cache directory.
use flight\Cache;
$app = Flight::app();
// You pass the directory the cache will be stored in into the constructor
$app->register('cache', Cache::class, [ __DIR__ . '/../cache/' ], function(Cache $cache) {
// This ensures that the cache is only used when in production mode
// ENVIRONMENT is a constant that is set in your bootstrap file or elsewhere in your app
$cache->setDevMode(ENVIRONMENT === 'development');
Then you can use it in your code like this:
// Get cache instance
$cache = Flight::cache();
$data = $cache->refreshIfExpired('simple-cache-test', function () {
return date("H:i:s"); // return data to be cached
}, 10); // 10 seconds
// or
$data = $cache->retrieve('simple-cache-test');
if(empty($data)) {
$data = date("H:i:s");
$cache->store('simple-cache-test', $data, 10); // 10 seconds
Visit https://github.com/flightphp/cache for full documentation and make sure you see the examples folder.
This is a permissions module that can be used in your projects if you have multiple roles in your app and each role has a little bit different functionality. This module allows you to define permissions for each role and then check if the current user has the permission to access a certain page or perform a certain action.
Click here for the repository in GitHub.
Run composer require flightphp/permissions
and you're on your way!
First you need to setup your permissions, then you tell the your app what the permissions mean. Ultimately you will check your permissions with $Permissions->has()
, ->can()
, or is()
. has()
and can()
have the same functionality, but are named differently to make your code more readable.
Basic Example
Let's assume you have a feature in your application that checks if a user is logged in. You can create a permissions object like this:
// index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// some code
// then you probably have something that tells you who the current role is of the person
// likely you have something where you pull the current role
// from a session variable which defines this
// after someone logs in, otherwise they will have a 'guest' or 'public' role.
$current_role = 'admin';
// setup permissions
$permission = new \flight\Permission($current_role);
$permission->defineRule('loggedIn', function($current_role) {
return $current_role !== 'guest';
// You'll probably want to persist this object in Flight somewhere
Flight::set('permission', $permission);
Then in a controller somewhere, you might have something like this.
// some controller
class SomeController {
public function someAction() {
$permission = Flight::get('permission');
if ($permission->has('loggedIn')) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
You can also use this to track if they have permission to do something in your application. For instance, if your have a way that users can interact with posting on your software, you can check if they have permission to perform certain actions.
$current_role = 'admin';
// setup permissions
$permission = new \flight\Permission($current_role);
$permission->defineRule('post', function($current_role) {
if($current_role === 'admin') {
$permissions = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'];
} else if($current_role === 'editor') {
$permissions = ['create', 'read', 'update'];
} else if($current_role === 'author') {
$permissions = ['create', 'read'];
} else if($current_role === 'contributor') {
$permissions = ['create'];
} else {
$permissions = [];
return $permissions;
Flight::set('permission', $permission);
Then in a controller somewhere...
class PostController {
public function create() {
$permission = Flight::get('permission');
if ($permission->can('post.create')) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Injecting dependencies
You can inject dependencies into the closure that defines the permissions. This is useful if you have some sort of toggle, id, or any other data point that you want to check against. The same works for Class->Method type calls, except you define the arguments in the method.
$Permission->defineRule('order', function(string $current_role, MyDependency $MyDependency = null) {
// ... code
// in your controller file
public function createOrder() {
$MyDependency = Flight::myDependency();
$permission = Flight::get('permission');
if ($permission->can('order.create', $MyDependency)) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
namespace MyApp;
class Permissions {
public function order(string $current_role, MyDependency $MyDependency = null) {
// ... code
Shortcut to set permissions with classes
You can also use classes to define your permissions. This is useful if you have a lot of permissions and you want to keep your code clean. You can do something like this:
// bootstrap code
$Permissions = new \flight\Permission($current_role);
$Permissions->defineRule('order', 'MyApp\Permissions->order');
// myapp/Permissions.php
namespace MyApp;
class Permissions {
public function order(string $current_role, int $user_id) {
// Assuming you set this up beforehand
/** @var \flight\database\PdoWrapper $db */
$db = Flight::db();
$allowed_permissions = [ 'read' ]; // everyone can view an order
if($current_role === 'manager') {
$allowed_permissions[] = 'create'; // managers can create orders
$some_special_toggle_from_db = $db->fetchField('SELECT some_special_toggle FROM settings WHERE id = ?', [ $user_id ]);
if($some_special_toggle_from_db) {
$allowed_permissions[] = 'update'; // if the user has a special toggle, they can update orders
if($current_role === 'admin') {
$allowed_permissions[] = 'delete'; // admins can delete orders
return $allowed_permissions;
The cool part is that there is also a shortcut that you can use (that can also be cached!!!) where you just tell the permissions class to map all methods in a class into permissions. So if you have a method named order()
and a method named company()
, these will automatically be mapped so you can just run $Permissions->has('order.read')
or $Permissions->has('company.read')
and it will work. Defining this is very difficult, so stay with me here. You just need to do this:
Create the class of permissions you want to group together.
class MyPermissions {
public function order(string $current_role, int $order_id = 0): array {
// code to determine permissions
return $permissions_array;
public function company(string $current_role, int $company_id): array {
// code to determine permissions
return $permissions_array;
Then make the permissions discoverable using this library.
$Permissions = new \flight\Permission($current_role);
Flight::set('permissions', $Permissions);
Finally, call the permission in your codebase to check if the user is allowed to perform a given permission.
class SomeController {
public function createOrder() {
if(Flight::get('permissions')->can('order.create') === false) {
die('You can\'t create an order. Sorry!');
To enable caching, see the simple wruczak/phpfilecache library. An example of enabling this is below.
// this $app can be part of your code, or
// you can just pass null and it will
// pull from Flight::app() in the constructor
$app = Flight::app();
// For now it accepts this as a file cache. Others can easily
// be added in the future.
$Cache = new Wruczek\PhpFileCache\PhpFileCache;
$Permissions = new \flight\Permission($current_role, $app, $Cache);
$Permissions->defineRulesFromClassMethods(MyApp\Permissions::class, 3600); // 3600 is how many seconds to cache this for. Leave this off to not use caching
And away you go!
Simple Job Queue
Simple Job Queue is a library that can be used to process jobs asynchronously. It can be used with beanstalkd, MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.
composer require n0nag0n/simple-job-queue
In order for this to work, you need a way to add jobs to the queue and a way to process the jobs (a worker). Below are examples of how to add a job to the queue and how to process the job.
Adding to Flight
Adding this to Flight is simple and is done using the register()
method. Below is an example of how to add this to Flight.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Change ['mysql'] to ['beanstalkd'] if you want to use beanstalkd
Flight::register('queue', n0nag0n\Job_Queue::class, ['mysql'], function($Job_Queue) {
// if you have a PDO connection already on Flight::db();
// or if you're using beanstalkd/Pheanstalk
$pheanstalk = Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk::create('');
Adding a new job
When you add a job, you need to specify a pipeline (queue). This is comparable to a channel in RabbitMQ or a tube in beanstalkd.
Flight::queue()->addJob(json_encode([ 'something' => 'that', 'ends' => 'up', 'a' => 'string' ]));
Running a worker
Here is an example file of how to run a worker.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$Job_Queue = new n0nag0n\Job_Queue('mysql');
// PDO connection
$PDO = new PDO('mysql:dbname=testdb;host=', 'user', 'pass');
// or if you're using beanstalkd/Pheanstalk
$pheanstalk = Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk::create('');
while(true) {
$job = $Job_Queue->getNextJobAndReserve();
// adjust to whatever makes you sleep better at night (for database queues only, beanstalkd does not need this if statement)
if(empty($job)) {
echo "Processing {$job['id']}\n";
$payload = json_decode($job['payload'], true);
try {
$result = doSomethingThatDoesSomething($payload);
if($result === true) {
} else {
// this takes it out of the ready queue and puts it in another queue that can be picked up and "kicked" later.
} catch(Exception $e) {
Handling Long Processes with Supervisord
Supervisord is a process control system that ensures your worker processes stay running continuously. Here's a more complete guide on setting it up with your Simple Job Queue worker:
Installing Supervisord
# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install supervisor
# On CentOS/RHEL
sudo yum install supervisor
# On macOS with Homebrew
brew install supervisor
Creating a Worker Script
First, save your worker code to a dedicated PHP file:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$Job_Queue = new n0nag0n\Job_Queue('mysql');
// PDO connection
$PDO = new PDO('mysql:dbname=your_database;host=', 'username', 'password');
// Set the pipeline to watch
// Log start of worker
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - Worker started\n";
while(true) {
$job = $Job_Queue->getNextJobAndReserve();
if(empty($job)) {
usleep(500000); // Sleep for 0.5 seconds
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - Processing job {$job['id']}\n";
$payload = json_decode($job['payload'], true);
try {
$result = doSomethingThatDoesSomething($payload);
if($result === true) {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - Job {$job['id']} completed successfully\n";
} else {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - Job {$job['id']} failed, buried\n";
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - Exception processing job {$job['id']}: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Configuring Supervisord
Create a configuration file for your worker:
command=php /path/to/worker.php
Key Configuration Options:
: The command to run your workerdirectory
: Working directory for the workerautostart
: Start automatically when supervisord startsautorestart
: Restart automatically if the process exitsstartretries
: Number of times to retry starting if it failsstderr_logfile
: Log file locationsuser
: System user to run the process asnumprocs
: Number of worker instances to runprocess_name
: Naming format for multiple worker processes
Managing Workers with Supervisorctl
After creating or modifying the configuration:
# Reload supervisor configuration
sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl update
# Control specific worker processes
sudo supervisorctl start email_worker:*
sudo supervisorctl stop email_worker:*
sudo supervisorctl restart email_worker:*
sudo supervisorctl status email_worker:*
Running Multiple Pipelines
For multiple pipelines, create separate worker files and configurations:
command=php /path/to/email_worker.php
# ... other configs ...
command=php /path/to/notification_worker.php
# ... other configs ...
Monitoring and Logs
Check logs to monitor worker activity:
# View logs
sudo tail -f /var/log/simple_job_queue.log
# Check status
sudo supervisorctl status
This setup ensures your job workers continue running even after crashes, server reboots, or other issues, making your queue system reliable for production environments.
PHP Session Manager (non-blocking, flash, segment, session encryption). Uses PHP open_ssl for optional encrypt/decryption of session data. Supports File, MySQL, Redis, and Memcached.
Click here to view the code.
Install with composer.
composer require ghostff/session
Basic Configuration
You aren't required to pass anything in to use the default settings with your session. You can read about more settings in the Github Readme.
use Ghostff\Session\Session;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = Flight::app();
$app->register('session', Session::class);
// one thing to remember is that you must commit your session on each page load
// or you'll need to run auto_commit in your configuration.
Simple Example
Here's a simple example of how you might use this.
Flight::route('POST /login', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
// do your login logic here
// validate password, etc.
// if the login is successful
$session->set('is_logged_in', true);
$session->set('user', $user);
// any time you write to the session, you must commit it deliberately.
// This check could be in the restricted page logic, or wrapped with middleware.
Flight::route('/some-restricted-page', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
if(!$session->get('is_logged_in')) {
// do your restricted page logic here
// the middleware version
Flight::route('/some-restricted-page', function() {
// regular page logic
})->addMiddleware(function() {
$session = Flight::session();
if(!$session->get('is_logged_in')) {
More Complex Example
Here's a more complex example of how you might use this.
use Ghostff\Session\Session;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = Flight::app();
// set a custom path to your session configuration file and give it a random string for the session id
$app->register('session', Session::class, [ 'path/to/session_config.php', bin2hex(random_bytes(32)) ], function(Session $session) {
// or you can manually override configuration options
// if you want to store your session data in a database (good if you want something like, "log me out of all devices" functionality)
Session::CONFIG_DRIVER => Ghostff\Session\Drivers\MySql::class,
Session::CONFIG_ENCRYPT_DATA => true,
Session::CONFIG_SALT_KEY => hash('sha256', 'my-super-S3CR3T-salt'), // please change this to be something else
Session::CONFIG_AUTO_COMMIT => true, // only do this if it requires it and/or it's hard to commit() your session.
// additionally you could do Flight::after('start', function() { Flight::session()->commit(); });
Session::CONFIG_MYSQL_DS => [
'driver' => 'mysql', # Database driver for PDO dns eg(mysql:host=...;dbname=...)
'host' => '', # Database host
'db_name' => 'my_app_database', # Database name
'db_table' => 'sessions', # Database table
'db_user' => 'root', # Database username
'db_pass' => '', # Database password
'persistent_conn'=> false, # Avoid the overhead of establishing a new connection every time a script needs to talk to a database, resulting in a faster web application. FIND THE BACKSIDE YOURSELF
Help! My Session Data is Not Persisting!
Are you setting your session data and it's not persisting between requests? You might have forgotten to commit your session data. You can do this by calling $session->commit()
after you've set your session data.
Flight::route('POST /login', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
// do your login logic here
// validate password, etc.
// if the login is successful
$session->set('is_logged_in', true);
$session->set('user', $user);
// any time you write to the session, you must commit it deliberately.
The other way around this is when you setup your session service, you have to set auto_commit
to true
in your configuration. This will automatically commit your session data after each request.
$app->register('session', Session::class, [ 'path/to/session_config.php', bin2hex(random_bytes(32)) ], function(Session $session) {
Session::CONFIG_AUTO_COMMIT => true,
Additionally you could do Flight::after('start', function() { Flight::session()->commit(); });
to commit your session data after each request.
Visit the Github Readme for full documentation. The configuration options are well documented in the default_config.php file itself. The code is simple to understand if you wanted to peruse this package yourself.
PdoWrapper PDO Helper Class
Flight comes with a helper class for PDO. It allows you to easily query your database with all the prepared/execute/fetchAll() wackiness. It greatly simplifies how you can query your database. Each row result is returned as a Flight Collection class which allows you to access your data via array syntax or object syntax.
Registering the PDO Helper Class
// Register the PDO helper class
Flight::register('db', \flight\database\PdoWrapper::class, ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cool_db_name', 'user', 'pass', [
This object extends PDO so all the normal PDO methods are available. The following methods are added to make querying the database easier:
runQuery(string $sql, array $params = []): PDOStatement
Use this for INSERTS, UPDATES, or if you plan on using a SELECT in a while loop
$db = Flight::db();
$statement = $db->runQuery("SELECT * FROM table WHERE something = ?", [ $something ]);
while($row = $statement->fetch()) {
// ...
// Or writing to the database
$db->runQuery("INSERT INTO table (name) VALUES (?)", [ $name ]);
$db->runQuery("UPDATE table SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", [ $name, $id ]);
fetchField(string $sql, array $params = []): mixed
Pulls the first field from the query
$db = Flight::db();
$count = $db->fetchField("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE something = ?", [ $something ]);
fetchRow(string $sql, array $params = []): array
Pulls one row from the query
$db = Flight::db();
$row = $db->fetchRow("SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE id = ?", [ $id ]);
echo $row['name'];
// or
echo $row->name;
fetchAll(string $sql, array $params = []): array
Pulls all rows from the query
$db = Flight::db();
$rows = $db->fetchAll("SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE something = ?", [ $something ]);
foreach($rows as $row) {
echo $row['name'];
// or
echo $row->name;
Note with IN()
This also has a helpful wrapper for IN()
statements. You can simply pass a single question mark as a placeholder for IN()
and then an array of values. Here is an example of what that might look like:
$db = Flight::db();
$name = 'Bob';
$company_ids = [1,2,3,4,5];
$rows = $db->fetchAll("SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE name = ? AND company_id IN (?)", [ $name, $company_ids ]);
Full Example
// Example route and how you would use this wrapper
Flight::route('/users', function () {
// Get all users
$users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users');
// Stream all users
$statement = Flight::db()->runQuery('SELECT * FROM users');
while ($user = $statement->fetch()) {
echo $user['name'];
// or echo $user->name;
// Get a single user
$user = Flight::db()->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [123]);
// Get a single value
$count = Flight::db()->fetchField('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users');
// Special IN() syntax to help out (make sure IN is in caps)
$users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)', [[1,2,3,4,5]]);
// you could also do this
$users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)', [ '1,2,3,4,5']);
// Insert a new user
Flight::db()->runQuery("INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", ['Bob', 'bob@example.com']);
$insert_id = Flight::db()->lastInsertId();
// Update a user
Flight::db()->runQuery("UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", ['Bob', 123]);
// Delete a user
Flight::db()->runQuery("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?", [123]);
// Get the number of affected rows
$statement = Flight::db()->runQuery("UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE name = ?", ['Bob', 'Sally']);
$affected_rows = $statement->rowCount();
A migration for your project is keeping track of all the database changes involved in your project. byjg/php-migration is a really helpful core library to get you started.
PHP Library
If you want to use only the PHP Library in your project:
composer require "byjg/migration"
Command Line Interface
The command line interface is standalone and does not require you install with your project.
You can install global and create a symbolic lynk
composer require "byjg/migration-cli"
Please visit byjg/migration-cli to get more informations about Migration CLI.
Supported databases
Database | Driver | Connection String |
Sqlite | pdo_sqlite | sqlite:///path/to/file |
MySql/MariaDb | pdo_mysql | mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database |
Postgres | pdo_pgsql | pgsql://username:password@hostname:port/database |
Sql Server | pdo_dblib, pdo_sysbase Linux | dblib://username:password@hostname:port/database |
Sql Server | pdo_sqlsrv Windows | sqlsrv://username:password@hostname:port/database |
How It Works?
The Database Migration uses PURE SQL to manage the database versioning. In order to get working you need to:
- Create the SQL Scripts
- Manage using Command Line or the API.
The SQL Scripts
The scripts are divided in three set of scripts:
- The BASE script contains ALL sql commands for create a fresh database;
- The UP scripts contain all sql migration commands for "up" the database version;
- The DOWN scripts contain all sql migration commands for "down" or revert the database version;
The directory scripts is :
<root dir>
+-- base.sql
+-- /migrations
+-- /up
+-- 00001.sql
+-- 00002.sql
+-- /down
+-- 00000.sql
+-- 00001.sql
- "base.sql" is the base script
- "up" folder contains the scripts for migrate up the version. For example: 00002.sql is the script for move the database from version '1' to '2'.
- "down" folder contains the scripts for migrate down the version. For example: 00001.sql is the script for move the database from version '2' to '1'. The "down" folder is optional.
Multi Development environment
If you work with multiple developers and multiple branches it is to difficult to determine what is the next number.
In that case you have the suffix "-dev" after the version number.
See the scenario:
- Developer 1 create a branch and the most recent version in e.g. 42.
- Developer 2 create a branch at the same time and have the same database version number.
In both case the developers will create a file called 43-dev.sql. Both developers will migrate UP and DOWN with no problem and your local version will be 43.
But developer 1 merged your changes and created a final version 43.sql (git mv 43-dev.sql 43.sql
). If the developer 2
update your local branch he will have a file 43.sql (from dev 1) and your file 43-dev.sql.
If he is try to migrate UP or DOWN
the migration script will down and alert him there a TWO versions 43. In that case, developer 2 will have to update your
file do 44-dev.sql and continue to work until merge your changes and generate a final version.
Using the PHP API and Integrate it into your projects
The basic usage is
- Create a connection a ConnectionManagement object. For more information see the "byjg/anydataset" component
- Create a Migration object with this connection and the folder where the scripts sql are located.
- Use the proper command for "reset", "up" or "down" the migrations scripts.
See an example:
// Create the Connection URI
// See more: https://github.com/byjg/anydataset#connection-based-on-uri
$connectionUri = new \ByJG\Util\Uri('mysql://migrateuser:migratepwd@localhost/migratedatabase');
// Register the Database or Databases can handle that URI:
// Create the Migration instance
$migration = new \ByJG\DbMigration\Migration($connectionUri, '.');
// Add a callback progress function to receive info from the execution
$migration->addCallbackProgress(function ($action, $currentVersion, $fileInfo) {
echo "$action, $currentVersion, ${fileInfo['description']}\n";
// Restore the database using the "base.sql" script
// and run ALL existing scripts for up the database version to the latest version
// Run ALL existing scripts for up or down the database version
// from the current version until the $version number;
// If the version number is not specified migrate until the last database version
$migration->update($version = null);
The Migration object controls the database version.
Creating a version control in your project
// Register the Database or Databases can handle that URI:
// Create the Migration instance
$migration = new \ByJG\DbMigration\Migration($connectionUri, '.');
// This command will create the version table in your database
Getting the current version
Add Callback to control the progress
$migration->addCallbackProgress(function ($command, $version, $fileInfo) {
echo "Doing Command: $command at version $version - ${fileInfo['description']}, ${fileInfo['exists']}, ${fileInfo['file']}, ${fileInfo['checksum']}\n";
Getting the Db Driver instance
To use it, please visit: https://github.com/byjg/anydataset-db
Avoiding Partial Migration (not available for MySQL)
A partial migration is when the migration script is interrupted in the middle of the process due to an error or a manual interruption.
The migration table will be with the status partial up
or partial down
and it needs to be fixed manually before be able to migrate again.
To avoid this situation you can specify the migration will be run in a transactional context.
If the migration script fails, the transaction will be rolled back and the migration table will be marked as complete
the version will be the immediately previous version before the script that causes the error.
To enable this feature you need to call the method withTransactionEnabled
passing true
as parameter:
NOTE: This feature isn't available for MySQL as it doesn't support DDL commands inside a transaction. If you use this method with MySQL the Migration will ignore it silently. More info: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/cannot-roll-back.html
Tips on writing SQL migrations for Postgres
On creating triggers and SQL functions
-- DO
CREATE FUNCTION emp_stamp() RETURNS trigger AS $emp_stamp$
-- Check that empname and salary are given
RAISE EXCEPTION 'empname cannot be null'; -- it doesn't matter if these comments are blank or not
END IF; --
RAISE EXCEPTION '% cannot have null salary', NEW.empname; --
END IF; --
-- Who works for us when they must pay for it?
IF NEW.salary < 0 THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION '% cannot have a negative salary', NEW.empname; --
END IF; --
-- Remember who changed the payroll when
NEW.last_date := current_timestamp; --
NEW.last_user := current_user; --
END; --
$emp_stamp$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- DON'T
CREATE FUNCTION emp_stamp() RETURNS trigger AS $emp_stamp$
-- Check that empname and salary are given
RAISE EXCEPTION 'empname cannot be null';
RAISE EXCEPTION '% cannot have null salary', NEW.empname;
-- Who works for us when they must pay for it?
IF NEW.salary < 0 THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION '% cannot have a negative salary', NEW.empname;
-- Remember who changed the payroll when
NEW.last_date := current_timestamp;
NEW.last_user := current_user;
$emp_stamp$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Since the PDO
database abstraction layer cannot run batches of SQL statements,
when byjg/migration
reads a migration file it has to split up the whole contents of the SQL
file at the semicolons, and run the statements one by one. However, there is one kind of
statement that can have multiple semicolons in-between its body: functions.
In order to be able to parse functions correctly, byjg/migration
2.1.0 started splitting migration
files at the semicolon + EOL
sequence instead of just the semicolon. This way, if you append an empty
comment after every inner semicolon of a function definition byjg/migration
will be able to parse it.
Unfortunately, if you forget to add any of these comments the library will split the CREATE FUNCTION
statement in
multiple parts and the migration will fail.
Avoid the colon character (:
-- DO
CREATE TABLE bookings (
booking_id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
booked_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL CHECK (CAST(booked_at AS DATE) <= check_in),
check_in DATE NOT NULL
-- DON'T
CREATE TABLE bookings (
booking_id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
booked_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL CHECK (booked_at::DATE <= check_in),
check_in DATE NOT NULL
Since PDO
uses the colon character to prefix named parameters in prepared statements, its use will trip it
up in other contexts.
For instance, PostgreSQL statements can use ::
to cast values between types. On the other hand PDO
read this as an invalid named parameter in an invalid context and fail when it tries to run it.
The only way to fix this inconsistency is avoiding colons altogether (in this case, PostgreSQL also has an alternative
syntax: CAST(value AS type)
Use an SQL editor
Finally, writing manual SQL migrations can be tiresome, but it is significantly easier if you use an editor capable of understanding the SQL syntax, providing autocomplete, introspecting your current database schema and/or autoformatting your code.
Handling different migration inside one schema
If you need to create different migration scripts and version inside the same schema it is possible but is too risky and I do not recommend at all.
To do this, you need to create different "migration tables" by passing the parameter to the constructor.
$migration = new \ByJG\DbMigration\Migration("db:/uri", "/path", true, "NEW_MIGRATION_TABLE_NAME");
For security reasons, this feature is not available at command line, but you can use the environment variable
to store the name.
We really recommend do not use this feature. The recommendation is one migration for one schema.
Running Unit tests
Basic unit tests can be running by:
Running database tests
Run integration tests require you to have the databases up and running. We provided a basic docker-compose.yml
and you
can use to start the databases for test.
Running the databases
docker-compose up -d postgres mysql mssql
Run the tests
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/SqliteDatabase*
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/MysqlDatabase*
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/PostgresDatabase*
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/SqlServerDblibDatabase*
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/SqlServerSqlsrvDatabase*
Optionally you can set the host and password used by the unit tests
export MYSQL_TEST_HOST=localhost # defaults to localhost
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=newpassword # use '.' if want have a null password
export PSQL_TEST_HOST=localhost # defaults to localhost
export PSQL_PASSWORD=newpassword # use '.' if want have a null password
export MSSQL_TEST_HOST=localhost # defaults to localhost
export MSSQL_PASSWORD=Pa55word
export SQLITE_TEST_HOST=/tmp/test.db # defaults to /tmp/test.db
FlightPHP Session - Lightweight File-Based Session Handler
This is a lightweight, file-based session handler plugin for the Flight PHP Framework. It provides a simple yet powerful solution for managing sessions, with features like non-blocking session reads, optional encryption, auto-commit functionality, and a test mode for development. Session data is stored in files, making it ideal for applications that don’t require a database.
If you do want to use a database, check out the ghostff/session plugin with many of these same features but with a database backend.
Visit the Github repository for the full source code and details.
Install the plugin via Composer:
composer require flightphp/session
Basic Usage
Here’s a simple example of how to use the flightphp/session
plugin in your Flight application:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use flight\Session;
$app = Flight::app();
// Register the session service
$app->register('session', Session::class);
// Example route with session usage
Flight::route('/login', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
$session->set('user_id', 123);
$session->set('username', 'johndoe');
$session->set('is_admin', false);
echo $session->get('username'); // Outputs: johndoe
echo $session->get('preferences', 'default_theme'); // Outputs: default_theme
if ($session->get('user_id')) {
Flight::json(['message' => 'User is logged in!', 'user_id' => $session->get('user_id')]);
Flight::route('/logout', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
$session->clear(); // Clear all session data
Flight::json(['message' => 'Logged out successfully']);
Key Points
- Non-Blocking: Uses
for session start by default, preventing session locking issues. - Auto-Commit: Enabled by default, so changes are saved automatically on shutdown unless disabled.
- File Storage: Sessions are stored in the system temp directory under
by default.
You can customize the session handler by passing an array of options when registering:
$app->register('session', Session::class, [
'save_path' => '/custom/path/to/sessions', // Directory for session files
'encryption_key' => 'a-secure-32-byte-key-here', // Enable encryption (32 bytes recommended for AES-256-CBC)
'auto_commit' => false, // Disable auto-commit for manual control
'start_session' => true, // Start session automatically (default: true)
'test_mode' => false // Enable test mode for development
Configuration Options
Option | Description | Default Value |
save_path |
Directory where session files are stored | sys_get_temp_dir() . '/flight_sessions' |
encryption_key |
Key for AES-256-CBC encryption (optional) | null (no encryption) |
auto_commit |
Auto-save session data on shutdown | true |
start_session |
Start the session automatically | true |
test_mode |
Run in test mode without affecting PHP sessions | false |
test_session_id |
Custom session ID for test mode (optional) | Randomly generated if not set |
Advanced Usage
Manual Commit
If you disable auto-commit, you must manually commit changes:
$app->register('session', Session::class, ['auto_commit' => false]);
Flight::route('/update', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
$session->set('key', 'value');
$session->commit(); // Explicitly save changes
Session Security with Encryption
Enable encryption for sensitive data:
$app->register('session', Session::class, [
'encryption_key' => 'your-32-byte-secret-key-here'
Flight::route('/secure', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
$session->set('credit_card', '4111-1111-1111-1111'); // Encrypted automatically
echo $session->get('credit_card'); // Decrypted on retrieval
Session Regeneration
Regenerate the session ID for security (e.g., after login):
Flight::route('/post-login', function() {
$session = Flight::session();
$session->regenerate(); // New ID, keep data
// OR
$session->regenerate(true); // New ID, delete old data
Middleware Example
Protect routes with session-based authentication:
Flight::route('/admin', function() {
Flight::json(['message' => 'Welcome to the admin panel']);
})->addMiddleware(function() {
$session = Flight::session();
if (!$session->get('is_admin')) {
Flight::halt(403, 'Access denied');
This is just a simple example of how to use this in middleware. For a more in depth example, see the middleware documentation.
The Session
class provides these methods:
set(string $key, $value)
: Stores a value in the session.get(string $key, $default = null)
: Retrieves a value, with an optional default if the key doesn’t exist.delete(string $key)
: Removes a specific key from the session.clear()
: Deletes all session data.commit()
: Saves the current session data to the file system.id()
: Returns the current session ID.regenerate(bool $deleteOld = false)
: Regenerates the session ID, optionally deleting old data.
All methods except get()
and id()
return the Session
instance for chaining.
Why Use This Plugin?
- Lightweight: No external dependencies—just files.
- Non-Blocking: Avoids session locking with
by default. - Secure: Supports AES-256-CBC encryption for sensitive data.
- Flexible: Auto-commit, test mode, and manual control options.
- Flight-Native: Built specifically for the Flight framework.
Technical Details
- Storage Format: Session files are prefixed with
and stored in the configuredsave_path
. Encrypted data uses anE
prefix, plaintext usesP
. - Encryption: Uses AES-256-CBC with a random IV per session write when an
is provided. - Garbage Collection: Implements PHP’s
to clean up expired sessions.
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Report bugs or suggest features via the Github issue tracker.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. See the Github repository for details.
Runway is a CLI application that helps you manage your Flight applications. It can generate controllers, display all routes, and more. It is based on the excellent adhocore/php-cli library.
Click here to view the code.
Install with composer.
composer require flightphp/runway
Basic Configuration
The first time you run Runway, it will run you through a setup process and create a .runway.json
configuration file in the root of your project. This file will contain some necessary configurations for Runway to work properly.
Runway has a number of commands that you can use to manage your Flight application. There are two easy ways to use Runway.
- If you are using the skeleton project, you can run
php runway [command]
from the root of your project. - If you are using Runway as a package installed via composer, you can run
vendor/bin/runway [command]
from the root of your project.
For any command, you can pass in the --help
flag to get more information on how to use the command.
php runway routes --help
Here are a few examples:
Generate a Controller
Based on the configuration in your .runway.json
file, the default location will generate a controller for you in the app/controllers/
php runway make:controller MyController
Generate an Active Record Model
Based on the configuration in your .runway.json
file, the default location will generate a controller for you in the app/records/
php runway make:record users
If for instance you have the users
table with the following schema: id
, name
, email
, created_at
, updated_at
, a file similar to the following will be created in the app/records/UserRecord.php
namespace app\records;
* ActiveRecord class for the users table.
* @link https://docs.flightphp.com/awesome-plugins/active-record
* @property int $id
* @property string $name
* @property string $email
* @property string $created_at
* @property string $updated_at
* // you could also add relationships here once you define them in the $relations array
* @property CompanyRecord $company Example of a relationship
class UserRecord extends \flight\ActiveRecord
* @var array $relations Set the relationships for the model
* https://docs.flightphp.com/awesome-plugins/active-record#relationships
protected array $relations = [];
* Constructor
* @param mixed $databaseConnection The connection to the database
public function __construct($databaseConnection)
parent::__construct($databaseConnection, 'users');
Display All Routes
This will display all of the routes that are currently registered with Flight.
php runway routes
If you would like to only view specific routes, you can pass in a flag to filter the routes.
# Display only GET routes
php runway routes --get
# Display only POST routes
php runway routes --post
# etc.
Customizing Runway
If you are either creating a package for Flight, or want to add your own custom commands into your project, you can do so by creating a src/commands/
, flight/commands/
, app/commands/
, or commands/
directory for your project/package. If you need further customization, see the section below on Configuration.
To create a command, you simple extend the AbstractBaseCommand
class, and implement at a minimum a __construct
method and an execute
namespace flight\commands;
class ExampleCommand extends AbstractBaseCommand
* Construct
* @param array<string,mixed> $config JSON config from .runway-config.json
public function __construct(array $config)
parent::__construct('make:example', 'Create an example for the documentation', $config);
$this->argument('<funny-gif>', 'The name of the funny gif');
* Executes the function
* @return void
public function execute(string $controller)
$io = $this->app()->io();
$io->info('Creating example...');
// Do something here
$io->ok('Example created!');
See the adhocore/php-cli Documentation for more information on how to build your own custom commands into your Flight application!
If you need to customize the configuration for Runway, you can create a .runway-config.json
file in the root of your project. Below are some additional configurations that you can set:
// This is where your application directory is located
"app_root": "app/",
// This is the directory where your root index file is located
"index_root": "public/",
// These are the paths to the roots of other projects
"root_paths": [
// Base paths most likely don't need to be configured, but it's here if you want it
"base_paths": {
"/includes/libs/vendor", // if you have a really unique path for your vendor directory or something
// Final paths are locations within a project to search for the command files
"final_paths": {
// If you want to just add the full path, go right ahead (absolute or relative to project root)
"paths": [
Tracy Flight Panel Extensions
This is a set of extensions to make working with Flight a little richer.
- Flight - Analyze all Flight variables.
- Database - Analyze all queries that have run on the page (if you correctly initiate the database connection)
- Request - Analyze all
variables and examine all global payloads ($_GET
) - Session - Analyze all
variables if sessions are active.
This is the Panel
And each panel displays very helpful information about your application!
Click here to view the code.
Run composer require flightphp/tracy-extensions --dev
and you're on your way!
There is very little configuration you need to do to get this started. You will need to initiate the Tracy debugger prior to using this https://tracy.nette.org/en/guide:
use Tracy\Debugger;
use flight\debug\tracy\TracyExtensionLoader;
// bootstrap code
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// You may need to specify your environment with Debugger::enable(Debugger::DEVELOPMENT)
// if you use database connections in your app, there is a
// required PDO wrapper to use ONLY IN DEVELOPMENT (not production please!)
// It has the same parameters as a regular PDO connection
$pdo = new PdoQueryCapture('sqlite:test.db', 'user', 'pass');
// or if you attach this to the Flight framework
Flight::register('db', PdoQueryCapture::class, ['sqlite:test.db', 'user', 'pass']);
// now whenever you make a query it will capture the time, query, and parameters
// This connects the dots
if(Debugger::$showBar === true) {
// This needs to be false or Tracy can't actually render :(
Flight::set('flight.content_length', false);
new TracyExtensionLoader(Flight::app());
// more code
Additional Configuration
Session Data
If you have a custom session handler (such as ghostff/session), you can pass any array of session data to Tracy and it will automatically output it for you. You pass it in with the session_data
key in the second parameter of the TracyExtensionLoader
use Ghostff\Session\Session;
// or use flight\Session;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = Flight::app();
$app->register('session', Session::class);
if(Debugger::$showBar === true) {
// This needs to be false or Tracy can't actually render :(
Flight::set('flight.content_length', false);
new TracyExtensionLoader(Flight::app(), [ 'session_data' => Flight::session()->getAll() ]);
// routes and other things...
If you have Latte installed in your project, you can use the Latte panel to analyze your templates. You can pass in the Latte instance to the TracyExtensionLoader
constructor with the latte
key in the second parameter.
use Latte\Engine;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = Flight::app();
$app->register('latte', Engine::class, [], function($latte) {
$latte->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/temp');
// this is where you add the Latte Panel to Tracy
$latte->addExtension(new Latte\Bridges\Tracy\TracyExtension);
if(Debugger::$showBar === true) {
// This needs to be false or Tracy can't actually render :(
Flight::set('flight.content_length', false);
new TracyExtensionLoader(Flight::app());
Tracy is an amazing error handler that can be used with Flight. It has a number of panels that can help you debug your application. It's also very easy to extend and add your own panels. The Flight Team has created a few panels specifically for Flight projects with the flightphp/tracy-extensions plugin.
Install with composer. And you will actually want to install this without the dev version as Tracy comes with a production error handling component.
composer require tracy/tracy
Basic Configuration
There are some basic configuration options to get started. You can read more about them in the Tracy Documentation.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Tracy\Debugger;
// Enable Tracy
// Debugger::enable(Debugger::DEVELOPMENT) // sometimes you have to be explicit (also Debugger::PRODUCTION)
// Debugger::enable('23.75.345.200'); // you can also provide an array of IP addresses
// This where errors and exceptions will be logged. Make sure this directory exists and is writable.
Debugger::$logDirectory = __DIR__ . '/../log/';
Debugger::$strictMode = true; // display all errors
// Debugger::$strictMode = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED; // all errors except deprecated notices
if (Debugger::$showBar) {
$app->set('flight.content_length', false); // if Debugger bar is visible, then content-length can not be set by Flight
// This is specific to the Tracy Extension for Flight if you've included that
// otherwise comment this out.
new TracyExtensionLoader($app);
Helpful Tips
When you are debugging your code, there are some very helpful functions to output data for you.
- This will dump the variable to the Tracy Bar in a separate panel.dumpe($var)
- This will dump the variable and then die immediately.
Flight Active Record
An active record is mapping a database entity to a PHP object. Spoken plainly, if you have a users table in your database, you can "translate" a row in that table to a User
class and a $user
object in your codebase. See basic example.
Click here for the repository in GitHub.
Basic Example
Let's assume you have the following table:
name TEXT,
password TEXT
Now you can setup a new class to represent this table:
* An ActiveRecord class is usually singular
* It's highly recommended to add the properties of the table as comments here
* @property int $id
* @property string $name
* @property string $password
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
// you can set it this way
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
// or this way
parent::__construct($database_connection, null, [ 'table' => 'users']);
Now watch the magic happen!
// for sqlite
$database_connection = new PDO('sqlite:test.db'); // this is just for example, you'd probably use a real database connection
// for mysql
$database_connection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test_db&charset=utf8bm4', 'username', 'password');
// or mysqli
$database_connection = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'test_db');
// or mysqli with non-object based creation
$database_connection = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'test_db');
$user = new User($database_connection);
$user->name = 'Bobby Tables';
$user->password = password_hash('some cool password');
// or $user->save();
echo $user->id; // 1
$user->name = 'Joseph Mamma';
$user->password = password_hash('some cool password again!!!');
// can't use $user->save() here or it will think it's an update!
echo $user->id; // 2
And it was just that easy to add a new user! Now that there is a user row in the database, how do you pull it out?
$user->find(1); // find id = 1 in the database and return it.
echo $user->name; // 'Bobby Tables'
And what if you want to find all the users?
$users = $user->findAll();
What about with a certain condition?
$users = $user->like('name', '%mamma%')->findAll();
See how much fun this is? Let's install it and get started!
Simply install with Composer
composer require flightphp/active-record
This can be used as a standalone library or with the Flight PHP Framework. Completely up to you.
Just makes sure you pass a PDO connection to the constructor.
$pdo_connection = new PDO('sqlite:test.db'); // this is just for example, you'd probably use a real database connection
$User = new User($pdo_connection);
Don't want to always set your database connection in the constructor? See Database Connection Management for other ideas!
Register as a method in Flight
If you are using the Flight PHP Framework, you can register the ActiveRecord class as a service, but you honestly don't have to.
Flight::register('user', 'User', [ $pdo_connection ]);
// then you can use it like this in a controller, a function, etc.
runway is a CLI tool for Flight that has a custom command for this library.
# Usage
php runway make:record database_table_name [class_name]
# Example
php runway make:record users
This will create a new class in the app/records/
directory as UserRecord.php
with the following content:
namespace app\records;
* ActiveRecord class for the users table.
* @link https://docs.flightphp.com/awesome-plugins/active-record
* @property int $id
* @property string $username
* @property string $email
* @property string $password_hash
* @property string $created_dt
class UserRecord extends \flight\ActiveRecord
* @var array $relations Set the relationships for the model
* https://docs.flightphp.com/awesome-plugins/active-record#relationships
protected array $relations = [
// 'relation_name' => [ self::HAS_MANY, 'RelatedClass', 'foreign_key' ],
* Constructor
* @param mixed $databaseConnection The connection to the database
public function __construct($databaseConnection)
parent::__construct($databaseConnection, 'users');
CRUD functions
find($id = null) : boolean|ActiveRecord
Find one record and assign in to current object. If you pass an $id
of some kind it will perform a lookup on the primary key with that value. If nothing is passed, it will just find the first record in table.
Additionally you can pass it other helper methods to query your table.
// find a record with some conditions before hand
$user->notNull('password')->orderBy('id DESC')->find();
// find a record by a specific id
$id = 123;
findAll(): array<int,ActiveRecord>
Finds all records in the table that you specify.
isHydrated(): boolean
Returns true
if the current record has been hydrated (fetched from the database).
// if a record is found with data...
$user->isHydrated(); // true
insert(): boolean|ActiveRecord
Inserts the current record into database.
$user = new User($pdo_connection);
$user->name = 'demo';
$user->password = md5('demo');
Text Based Primary Keys
If you have a text based primary key (such as a UUID), you can set the primary key value before inserting in one of two ways.
$user = new User($pdo_connection, [ 'primaryKey' => 'uuid' ]);
$user->uuid = 'some-uuid';
$user->name = 'demo';
$user->password = md5('demo');
$user->insert(); // or $user->save();
or you can have the primary key automatically generated for you through events.
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users', [ 'primaryKey' => 'uuid' ]);
// you can also set the primaryKey this way instead of the array above.
$this->primaryKey = 'uuid';
protected function beforeInsert(self $self) {
$self->uuid = uniqid(); // or however you need to generated your unique ids
If you don't set the primary key before inserting, it will be set to the rowid
and the
database will generate it for you, but it won't persist because that field may not exist
in your table. This is why it's recommended to use the event to automatically handle this
for you.
update(): boolean|ActiveRecord
Updates the current record into the database.
$user->greaterThan('id', 0)->orderBy('id desc')->find();
$user->email = 'test@example.com';
save(): boolean|ActiveRecord
Inserts or updates the current record into the database. If the record has an id, it will update, otherwise it will insert.
$user = new User($pdo_connection);
$user->name = 'demo';
$user->password = md5('demo');
Note: If you have relationships defined in the class, it will recursively save those relations as well if they have been defined, instantiated and have dirty data to update. (v0.4.0 and above)
delete(): boolean
Deletes the current record from the database.
$user->gt('id', 0)->orderBy('id desc')->find();
You can also delete multiple records executing a search before hand.
$user->like('name', 'Bob%')->delete();
dirty(array $dirty = []): ActiveRecord
Dirty data refers to the data that has been changed in a record.
$user->greaterThan('id', 0)->orderBy('id desc')->find();
// nothing is "dirty" as of this point.
$user->email = 'test@example.com'; // now email is considered "dirty" since it's changed.
// now there is no data that is dirty because it's been updated and persisted in the database
$user->password = password_hash()'newpassword'); // now this is dirty
$user->dirty(); // passing nothing will clear all the dirty entries.
$user->update(); // nothing will update cause nothing was captured as dirty.
$user->dirty([ 'name' => 'something', 'password' => password_hash('a different password') ]);
$user->update(); // both name and password are updated.
copyFrom(array $data): ActiveRecord
This is an alias for the dirty()
method. It's a little more clear what you are doing.
$user->copyFrom([ 'name' => 'something', 'password' => password_hash('a different password') ]);
$user->update(); // both name and password are updated.
isDirty(): boolean
Returns true
if the current record has been changed.
$user->greaterThan('id', 0)->orderBy('id desc')->find();
$user->email = 'test@email.com';
$user->isDirty(); // true
reset(bool $include_query_data = true): ActiveRecord
Resets the current record to it's initial state. This is really good to use in loop type behaviors.
If you pass true
it will also reset the query data that was used to find the current object (default behavior).
$users = $user->greaterThan('id', 0)->orderBy('id desc')->find();
$user_company = new UserCompany($pdo_connection);
foreach($users as $user) {
$user_company->reset(); // start with a clean slate
$user_company->user_id = $user->id;
$user_company->company_id = $some_company_id;
getBuiltSql(): string
After you run a find()
, findAll()
, insert()
, update()
, or save()
method you can get the SQL that was built and use it for debugging purposes.
SQL Query Methods
select(string $field1 [, string $field2 ... ])
You can select only a few of the columns in a table if you'd like (it is more performant on really wide tables with many columns)
$user->select('id', 'name')->find();
from(string $table)
You can technically choose another table too! Why the heck not?!
$user->select('id', 'name')->from('user')->find();
join(string $table_name, string $join_condition)
You can even join to another table in the database.
$user->join('contacts', 'contacts.user_id = users.id')->find();
where(string $where_conditions)
You can set some custom where arguments (you cannot set params in this where statement)
$user->where('id=1 AND name="demo"')->find();
Security Note - You might be tempted to do something like $user->where("id = '{$id}' AND name = '{$name}'")->find();
. Please DO NOT DO THIS!!! This is susceptible to what is knows as SQL Injection attacks. There are lots of articles online, please Google "sql injection attacks php" and you'll find a lot of articles on this subject. The proper way to handle this with this library is instead of this where()
method, you would do something more like $user->eq('id', $id)->eq('name', $name)->find();
If you absolutely have to do this, the PDO
library has $pdo->quote($var)
to escape it for you. Only after you use quote()
can you use it in a where()
group(string $group_by_statement)/groupBy(string $group_by_statement)
Group your results by a particular condition.
$user->select('COUNT(*) as count')->groupBy('name')->findAll();
order(string $order_by_statement)/orderBy(string $order_by_statement)
Sort the returned query a certain way.
$user->orderBy('name DESC')->find();
limit(string $limit)/limit(int $offset, int $limit)
Limit the amount of records returned. If a second int is given, it will be offset, limit just like in SQL.
$user->orderby('name DESC')->limit(0, 10)->findAll();
WHERE conditions
equal(string $field, mixed $value) / eq(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field = $value
$user->eq('id', 1)->find();
notEqual(string $field, mixed $value) / ne(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field <> $value
$user->ne('id', 1)->find();
isNull(string $field)
Where field IS NULL
isNotNull(string $field) / notNull(string $field)
Where field IS NOT NULL
greaterThan(string $field, mixed $value) / gt(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field > $value
$user->gt('id', 1)->find();
lessThan(string $field, mixed $value) / lt(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field < $value
$user->lt('id', 1)->find();
greaterThanOrEqual(string $field, mixed $value) / ge(string $field, mixed $value) / gte(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field >= $value
$user->ge('id', 1)->find();
lessThanOrEqual(string $field, mixed $value) / le(string $field, mixed $value) / lte(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field <= $value
$user->le('id', 1)->find();
like(string $field, mixed $value) / notLike(string $field, mixed $value)
Where field LIKE $value
or field NOT LIKE $value
$user->like('name', 'de')->find();
in(string $field, array $values) / notIn(string $field, array $values)
Where field IN($value)
or field NOT IN($value)
$user->in('id', [1, 2])->find();
between(string $field, array $values)
Where field BETWEEN $value AND $value1
$user->between('id', [1, 2])->find();
OR Conditions
It is possible to wrap your conditions in an OR statement. This is done with either the startWrap()
and endWrap()
method or by filling in the 3rd parameter of the condition after the field and value.
// Method 1
$user->eq('id', 1)->startWrap()->eq('name', 'demo')->or()->eq('name', 'test')->endWrap('OR')->find();
// This will evaluate to `id = 1 AND (name = 'demo' OR name = 'test')`
// Method 2
$user->eq('id', 1)->eq('name', 'demo', 'OR')->find();
// This will evaluate to `id = 1 OR name = 'demo'`
You can set several kinds of relationships using this library. You can set one->many and one->one relationships between tables. This requires a little extra setup in the class beforehand.
Setting the $relations
array is not hard, but guessing the correct syntax can be confusing.
protected array $relations = [
// you can name the key anything you'd like. The name of the ActiveRecord is probably good. Ex: user, contact, client
'user' => [
// required
// self::HAS_MANY, self::HAS_ONE, self::BELONGS_TO
self::HAS_ONE, // this is the type of relationship
// required
'Some_Class', // this is the "other" ActiveRecord class this will reference
// required
// depending on the relationship type
// self::HAS_ONE = the foreign key that references the join
// self::HAS_MANY = the foreign key that references the join
// self::BELONGS_TO = the local key that references the join
// just FYI, this also only joins to the primary key of the "other" model
// optional
[ 'eq' => [ 'client_id', 5 ], 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as count', 'limit' 5 ], // additional conditions you want when joining the relation
// $record->eq('client_id', 5)->select('COUNT(*) as count')->limit(5))
// optional
'back_reference_name' // this is if you want to back reference this relationship back to itself Ex: $user->contact->user;
class User extends ActiveRecord{
protected array $relations = [
'contacts' => [ self::HAS_MANY, Contact::class, 'user_id' ],
'contact' => [ self::HAS_ONE, Contact::class, 'user_id' ],
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
class Contact extends ActiveRecord{
protected array $relations = [
'user' => [ self::BELONGS_TO, User::class, 'user_id' ],
'user_with_backref' => [ self::BELONGS_TO, User::class, 'user_id', [], 'contact' ],
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'contacts');
Now we have the references setup so we can use them very easily!
$user = new User($pdo_connection);
// find the most recent user.
$user->notNull('id')->orderBy('id desc')->find();
// get contacts by using relation:
foreach($user->contacts as $contact) {
echo $contact->id;
// or we can go the other way.
$contact = new Contact();
// find one contact
// get user by using relation:
echo $contact->user->name; // this is the user name
Pretty cool eh?
Setting Custom Data
Sometimes you may need to attach something unique to your ActiveRecord such as a custom calculation that might be easier to just attach to the object that would then be passed to say a template.
setCustomData(string $field, mixed $value)
You attach the custom data with the setCustomData()
$user->setCustomData('page_view_count', $page_view_count);
And then you simply reference it like a normal object property.
echo $user->page_view_count;
One more super awesome feature about this library is about events. Events are triggered at certain times based on certain methods you call. They are very very helpful in setting up data for you automatically.
onConstruct(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord, array &config)
This is really helpful if you need to set a default connection or something like that.
// index.php or bootstrap.php
Flight::register('db', 'PDO', [ 'sqlite:test.db' ]);
// User.php
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
protected function onConstruct(self $self, array &$config) { // don't forget the & reference
// you could do this to automatically set the connection
$config['connection'] = Flight::db();
// or this
// You can also set the table name this way.
$config['table'] = 'users';
beforeFind(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
This is likely only useful if you need a query manipulation each time.
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function beforeFind(self $self) {
// always run id >= 0 if that's your jam
$self->gte('id', 0);
afterFind(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
This one is likely more useful if you always need to run some logic every time this record is fetched. Do you need to decrypt something? Do you need to run a custom count query each time (not performant but whatevs)?
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function afterFind(self $self) {
// decrypting something
$self->secret = yourDecryptFunction($self->secret, $some_key);
// maybe storing something custom like a query???
$self->setCustomData('view_count', $self->select('COUNT(*) count')->from('user_views')->eq('user_id', $self->id)['count'];
beforeFindAll(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
This is likely only useful if you need a query manipulation each time.
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function beforeFindAll(self $self) {
// always run id >= 0 if that's your jam
$self->gte('id', 0);
afterFindAll(array<int,ActiveRecord> $results)
Similar to afterFind()
but you get to do it to all the records instead!
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function afterFindAll(array $results) {
foreach($results as $self) {
// do something cool like afterFind()
beforeInsert(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
Really helpful if you need some default values set each time.
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function beforeInsert(self $self) {
// set some sound defaults
if(!$self->created_date) {
$self->created_date = gmdate('Y-m-d');
if(!$self->password) {
$self->password = password_hash((string) microtime(true));
afterInsert(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
Maybe you have a user case for changing data after it's inserted?
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function afterInsert(self $self) {
// you do you
Flight::cache()->set('most_recent_insert_id', $self->id);
// or whatever....
beforeUpdate(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
Really helpful if you need some default values set each time on an update.
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function beforeInsert(self $self) {
// set some sound defaults
if(!$self->updated_date) {
$self->updated_date = gmdate('Y-m-d');
afterUpdate(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
Maybe you have a user case for changing data after it's updated?
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function afterInsert(self $self) {
// you do you
Flight::cache()->set('most_recently_updated_user_id', $self->id);
// or whatever....
beforeSave(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)/afterSave(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
This is useful if you want events to happen both when inserts or updates happen. I'll spare you the long explanation, but I'm sure you can guess what it is.
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function beforeSave(self $self) {
$self->last_updated = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
beforeDelete(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)/afterDelete(ActiveRecord $ActiveRecord)
Not sure what you'd want to do here, but no judgments here! Go for it!
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct($database_connection)
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users');
protected function beforeDelete(self $self) {
echo 'He was a brave soldier... :cry-face:';
Database Connection Management
When you are using this library, you can set the database connection in a few different ways. You can set the connection in the constructor, you can set it via a config variable $config['connection']
or you can set it via setDatabaseConnection()
$pdo_connection = new PDO('sqlite:test.db'); // for example
$user = new User($pdo_connection);
// or
$user = new User(null, [ 'connection' => $pdo_connection ]);
// or
$user = new User();
If you want to avoid always setting a $database_connection
every time you call an active record, there are ways around that!
// index.php or bootstrap.php
// Set this as a registered class in Flight
Flight::register('db', 'PDO', [ 'sqlite:test.db' ]);
// User.php
class User extends flight\ActiveRecord {
public function __construct(array $config = [])
$database_connection = $config['connection'] ?? Flight::db();
parent::__construct($database_connection, 'users', $config);
// And now, no args required!
$user = new User();
Note: If you are planning on unit testing, doing it this way can add some challenges to unit testing, but overall because you can inject your connection with
it's not too bad.
If you need to refresh the database connection, for instance if you are running a long running CLI script and need to refresh the connection every so often, you can re-set the connection with $your_record->setDatabaseConnection($pdo_connection)
Please do. :D
When you contribute, make sure you run composer test-coverage
to maintain 100% test coverage (this isn't true unit test coverage, more like integration testing).
Also make sure you run composer beautify
and composer phpcs
to fix any linting errors.
Latte is a full featured templating engine that is very easy to use and feels closer to a PHP syntax than Twig or Smarty. It's also very easy to extend and add your own filters and functions.
Install with composer.
composer require latte/latte
Basic Configuration
There are some basic configuration options to get started. You can read more about them in the Latte Documentation.
use Latte\Engine as LatteEngine;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = Flight::app();
$app->register('latte', LatteEngine::class, [], function(LatteEngine $latte) use ($app) {
// This is where Latte will cache your templates to speed things up
// One neat thing about Latte is that it automatically refreshes your
// cache when you make changes to your templates!
$latte->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../cache/');
// Tell Latte where the root directory for your views will be at.
// $app->get('flight.views.path') is set in the config.php file
// You could also just do something like `__DIR__ . '/../views/'`
$latte->setLoader(new \Latte\Loaders\FileLoader($app->get('flight.views.path')));
Simple Layout Example
Here's a simple example of a layout file. This is the file that will be used to wrap all of your other views.
<!-- app/views/layout.latte -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>{$title ? $title . ' - '}My App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<!-- your nav elements here -->
<div id="content">
<!-- This is the magic right here -->
{block content}{/block}
<div id="footer">
© Copyright
And now we have your file that's going to render inside that content block:
<!-- app/views/home.latte -->
<!-- This tells Latte that this file is "inside" the layout.latte file -->
{extends layout.latte}
<!-- This is the content that will be rendered inside the layout inside the content block -->
{block content}
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<p>Welcome to my app!</p>
Then when you go to render this inside your function or controller, you would do something like this:
// simple route
Flight::route('/', function () {
Flight::latte()->render('home.latte', [
'title' => 'Home Page'
// or if you're using a controller
Flight::route('/', [HomeController::class, 'index']);
// HomeController.php
class HomeController
public function index()
Flight::latte()->render('home.latte', [
'title' => 'Home Page'
See the Latte Documentation for more information on how to use Latte to it's fullest potential!
Awesome Plugins
Flight is incredibly extensible. There are a number of plugins that can be used to add functionality to your Flight application. Some are officially supported by the Flight Team and others are micro/lite libraries to help you get started.
API Documentation
API documentation is crucial for any API. It helps developers understand how to interact with your API and what to expect in return. There are a couple tools available to help you generate API documentation for your Flight Projects.
- FlightPHP OpenAPI Generator - Blog post written by Daniel Schreiber on how to use the OpenAPI Spec with FlightPHP to build out your API using an API first approach.
- SwaggerUI - Swagger UI is a great tool to help you generate API documentation for your Flight projects. It's very easy to use and can be customized to fit your needs. This is the PHP library to help you generate the Swagger documentation.
Authentication and Authorization are crucial for any application that requires controls to be in place for who can access what.
- official flightphp/permissions - Official Flight Permissions library. This library is a simple way to add user and application level permissions to your application.
Caching is a great way to speed up your application. There are a number of caching libraries that can be used with Flight.
- official flightphp/cache - Light, simple and standalone PHP in-file caching class
CLI applications are a great way to interact with your application. You can use them to generate controllers, display all routes, and more.
- official flightphp/runway - Runway is a CLI application that helps you manage your Flight applications.
Cookies are a great way to store small bits of data on the client side. They can be used to store user preferences, application settings, and more.
- overclokk/cookie - PHP Cookie is a PHP library that provides a simple and effective way to manage cookies.
Debugging is crucial when you are developing in your local environment. There are a few plugins that can elevate your debugging experience.
- tracy/tracy - This is a full featured error handler that can be used with Flight. It has a number of panels that can help you debug your application. It's also very easy to extend and add your own panels.
- flightphp/tracy-extensions - Used with the Tracy error handler, this plugin adds a few extra panels to help with debugging specifically for Flight projects.
Databases are the core to most applications. This is how you store and retrieve data. Some database libraries are simply wrappers to write queries and some are full fledged ORMs.
- official flightphp/core PdoWrapper - Official Flight PDO Wrapper that's part of the core. This is a simple wrapper to help simplify the process of writing queries and executing them. It is not an ORM.
- official flightphp/active-record - Official Flight ActiveRecord ORM/Mapper. Great little library for easily retrieving and storing data in your database.
- byjg/php-migration - Plugin to keep track of all database changes for your project.
Encryption is crucial for any application that stores sensitive data. Encrypting and decrypting the data isn't terribly hard, but properly storing the encryption key can be difficult. The most important thing is to never store your encryption key in a public directory or to commit it to your code repository.
- defuse/php-encryption - This is a library that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data. Getting up and running is fairly simple to start encrypting and decrypting data.
Job Queue
Job queues are really helpful to asynchronously process tasks. This can be sending emails, processing images, or anything that doesn't need to be done in real time.
- n0nag0n/simple-job-queue - Simple Job Queue is a library that can be used to process jobs asynchronously. It can be used with beanstalkd, MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.
Sessions aren't really useful for API's but for building out a web application, sessions can be crucial for maintaining state and login information.
- official flightphp/session - Official Flight Session library. This is a simple session library that can be used to store and retrieve session data. It uses PHP's built in session handling.
- Ghostff/Session - PHP Session Manager (non-blocking, flash, segment, session encryption). Uses PHP open_ssl for optional encrypt/decryption of session data.
Templating is core to any web application with a UI. There are a number of templating engines that can be used with Flight.
- deprecated flightphp/core View - This is a very basic templating engine that is part of the core. It's not recommended to be used if you have more than a couple pages in your project.
- latte/latte - Latte is a full featured templating engine that is very easy to use and feels closer to a PHP syntax than Twig or Smarty. It's also very easy to extend and add your own filters and functions.
Got a plugin you'd like to share? Submit a pull request to add it to the list!
We've tried to track down what we can of the various types of media around the internet around Flight. See below for different resources that you can use to learn more about Flight.
Articles and Write-ups
- Define, Generate, and Implement: An API-First Approach with OpenAPI Generator and FlightPHP by Daniel Schreiber (2025)
- Best PHP Micro Frameworks for 2024 by n0nag0n (2024)
- Creating a RESTful API with Flight Framework by n0nag0n (2024)
- Building a Simple Blog with Flight Part 2 by n0nag0n (2024)
- Building a Simple Blog with Flight Part 1 by n0nag0n (2024)
- 🚀 Build a Simple CRUD API in PHP with the Flight Framework by soheil-khaledabadi (2024)
- Building a PHP Web Application with the Flight Micro-framework by Arthur C. Codex (2023)
- Best PHP Frameworks for Web Development in 2024 by Ravikiran A S (2023)
- Top 12 PHP Frameworks: A Comprehensive Guide for 2023 by marketing kbk (2023)
- 5 PHP Frameworks You've (Probably) Never Heard of by n0nag0n (2022)
- 12 top PHP frameworks for web developers to consider in 2023 by Anna Monus (2022)
- The Best PHP Microframeworks on a Cloud Server by Shahzeb Ahmed (2021)
- PHP framework: Top 15 powerful ones for your web development by AHT Tech (2020)
- Easy PHP Routing with FlightPHP by Lucas Conceição (2019)
- Trying Out New PHP Framework (Flight) by Leon (2017)
- Setting up FlightPHP to work with Backbonejs by Timothy Tocci (2015)
Videos and Tutorials
- Create a REST API for IoT Devices Using PHP & FlightPHP - ESP32 API by IoT Craft Hub (2024)
- PHP Flight Framework Simple Introductory Video by n0nag0n (2024)
- Set header HTTP code in Flightphp (3 Solutions!!) by Roel Van de Paar (2024)
- PHP Flight Framework Tutorial. Super easy API Project! by n0nag0n (2022)
- Aplicación web CRUD con php y mysql y bootstrap usando flight by Devlopteca - Oscar Uh (2021)
- DevOps & SysAdmins: Lighttpd rewrite rule for Flight PHP microframework by Roel Van de Paar (2021)
- Tutorial REST API Flight PHP #PART2 INSERT TABLE Info #Code (Tagalog) by Info Singkat Official (2020)
- Tutorial REST API Flight PHP #PART1 Info #Code (Tagalog) by Info Singkat Official (2020)
- How To Create JSON REST API IN PHP - Part 2 by Codewife (2018)
- How To Create JSON REST API IN PHP - Part 1 by Codewife (2018)
- Teste Micro Frameworks PHP - Flight PHP, Lumen, Slim 3 e Laravel by Codemarket (2016)
- Tutorial 1 Flight PHP - Instalación by absagg (2014)
- Tutorial 2 Flight PHP - Route parte 1 by absagg (2014)
Need a quick start?
You have two options to get started with a new Flight project:
- Full Skeleton Boilerplate: A more full fledged example with controllers and views.
- Single File Skeleton Boilerplate: A single file that includes everything you need to run your app in a single simple file.
Community contributed examples:
- flightravel: FlightPHP with Laravel directories, with PHP tooling + GH Actions
- fleact - A FlightPHP starter kit with ReactJS integration.
- flastro - A FlightPHP starter kit with Astro integration.
- velt - Velt is a quick and easy Svelte starter template with a FlightPHP backend.
Need Some Inspiration?
While these are not officially sponsored by the Flight Team, these could give you ideas on how to structure your own projects that are built with Flight!
- Decay - Flight v3 with HTMX and SleekDB all about zombies! (Demo)
- Flight Example Blog - Flight v3 with Middleware, Controllers, Active Record, and Latte.
- Flight CRUD RESTful API - Simple CRUD API project using the Flight framework, which provides a basic structure for new users to quickly set up a PHP application with CRUD operations and database connectivity. The project demonstrates how to use Flight for RESTful API development, making it an ideal learning tool for beginners and a useful starter kit for more experienced developers.
- Flight School Management System - Flight v3
- Paste Bin with Comments - Flight v3
- Basic Skeleton App
- Example Wiki
- The IT-Innovator PHP Framework Application
- LittleEducationalCMS (Spanish)
- Italian Yellow Pages API
- Generic Content Management System (with....very little documentation)
- A tiny php framework based on Flight and medoo.
- Example MVC Application
Want to Share Your Own Example?
If you have a project you want to share, please submit a pull request to add it to this list!
Download the files
Make sure you have PHP installed on your system. If not, click here for instructions on how to install it for your system.
If you're using Composer, you can run the following command:
composer require flightphp/core
OR you can download the files directly and extract them to your web directory.
Configure your Web Server
Built-in PHP Development Server
This is by far the simplest way to get up and running. You can use the built-in server to run your application and even use SQLite for a database (as long as sqlite3 is installed on your system) and not require much of anything! Just run the following command once PHP is installed:
php -S localhost:8000
Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000
If you want to make the document root of your project a different directory (Ex: your project is ~/myproject
, but your document root is ~/myproject/public/
), you can run the following command once your in the ~/myproject
php -S localhost:8000 -t public/
Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000
Make sure Apache is already installed on your system. If not, google how to install Apache on your system.
For Apache, edit your .htaccess
file with the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
Note: If you need to use flight in a subdirectory add the line
RewriteBase /subdir/
just afterRewriteEngine On
.Note: If you want to protect all server files, like a db or env file. Put this in your
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php
Make sure Nginx is already installed on your system. If not, google how to Nginx Apache on your system.
For Nginx, add the following to your server declaration:
server {
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
Create your index.php
// If you're using Composer, require the autoloader.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// if you're not using Composer, load the framework directly
// require 'flight/Flight.php';
// Then define a route and assign a function to handle the request.
Flight::route('/', function () {
echo 'hello world!';
// Finally, start the framework.
Installing PHP
If you already have php
installed on your system, go ahead and skip these instructions and move to the download section
Installing PHP using Homebrew
Install Homebrew (if not already installed):
- Open Terminal and run:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Open Terminal and run:
Install PHP:
- Install the latest version:
brew install php
- To install a specific version, for example, PHP 8.1:
brew tap shivammathur/php brew install shivammathur/php/php@8.1
- Install the latest version:
Switch between PHP versions:
- Unlink the current version and link the desired version:
brew unlink php brew link --overwrite --force php@8.1
- Verify the installed version:
php -v
- Unlink the current version and link the desired version:
Windows 10/11
Installing PHP manually
Download PHP:
- Visit PHP for Windows and download the latest or a specific version (e.g., 7.4, 8.0) as a non-thread-safe zip file.
Extract PHP:
- Extract the downloaded zip file to
- Extract the downloaded zip file to
Add PHP to the system PATH:
- Go to System Properties > Environment Variables.
- Under System variables, find Path and click Edit.
- Add the path
(or wherever you extracted PHP). - Click OK to close all windows.
Configure PHP:
- Copy
. - Edit
to configure PHP as needed (e.g., settingextension_dir
, enabling extensions).
- Copy
Verify PHP installation:
- Open Command Prompt and run:
php -v
- Open Command Prompt and run:
Installing Multiple Versions of PHP
Repeat the above steps for each version, placing each in a separate directory (e.g.,
). -
Switch between versions by adjusting the system PATH variable to point to the desired version directory.
Ubuntu (20.04, 22.04, etc.)
Installing PHP using apt
Update package lists:
- Open Terminal and run:
sudo apt update
- Open Terminal and run:
Install PHP:
- Install the latest PHP version:
sudo apt install php
- To install a specific version, for example, PHP 8.1:
sudo apt install php8.1
- Install the latest PHP version:
Install additional modules (optional):
- For example, to install MySQL support:
sudo apt install php8.1-mysql
- For example, to install MySQL support:
Switch between PHP versions:
- Use
:sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.1
- Use
Verify the installed version:
- Run:
php -v
- Run:
Rocky Linux
Installing PHP using yum/dnf
Enable the EPEL repository:
- Open Terminal and run:
sudo dnf install epel-release
- Open Terminal and run:
Install Remi's repository:
- Run:
sudo dnf install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-8.rpm sudo dnf module reset php
- Run:
Install PHP:
- To install the default version:
sudo dnf install php
- To install a specific version, for example, PHP 7.4:
sudo dnf module install php:remi-7.4
- To install the default version:
Switch between PHP versions:
- Use the
module command:sudo dnf module reset php sudo dnf module enable php:remi-8.0 sudo dnf install php
- Use the
Verify the installed version:
- Run:
php -v
- Run:
General Notes
- For development environments, it's important to configure PHP settings as per your project requirements.
- When switching PHP versions, ensure all relevant PHP extensions are installed for the specific version you intend to use.
- Restart your web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.) after switching PHP versions or updating configurations to apply changes.
Flight PHP is designed to be simple yet powerful, and our guides will help you build real-world applications step by step. These practical tutorials walk you through complete projects to demonstrate how Flight can be used effectively.
Official Guides
Building a Blog
Learn how to create a functional blog application with Flight PHP. This guide walks you through:
- Setting up a project structure
- Working with templates using Latte
- Implementing routes for posts
- Storing and retrieving data
- Handling form submissions
- Basic error handling
This tutorial is perfect for beginners who want to see how all the pieces fit together in a real application.
Unofficial Guides
While these guides are not officially maintained by the Flight team, they are valuable resources created by the community. They cover various topics and use cases, providing additional insights into using Flight PHP.
Creating a RESTful API with Flight Framework
This guide walks you through creating a RESTful API using the Flight PHP framework. It covers the basics of setting up an API, defining routes, and returning JSON responses.
Building a Simple Blog
This guide walks you through creating a basic blog using the Flight PHP framework. It actually has 2 parts: one to cover the basics and the other to cover more advanced topics and refinements for a production-ready blog.
- Building a Simple Blog with Flight - Part 1 - Getting started with a simple blog.
- Building a Simple Blog with Flight - Part 2 - Refining the blog for production.
Building a Pokémon API in PHP: A Beginner's Guide
This fun guide walks you through creating a simple Pokémon API using Flight PHP. It covers the basics of setting up an API, defining routes, and returning JSON responses.
Have an idea for a guide? Found a mistake? We welcome contributions! Our guides are maintained in the FlightPHP documentation repository.
If you've built something interesting with Flight and want to share it as a guide, please submit a pull request. Sharing your knowledge helps the Flight community grow.
Looking for API Documentation?
If you're looking for specific information about Flight's core features and methods, check out the Learn section of our documentation.