
PHP Session Manager (non-blocking, flash, segment, session encryption). Uses PHP open_ssl for optional encrypt/decryption of session data. Supports File, MySQL, Redis, and Memcached.

Click here to view the code.


Install with composer.

composer require ghostff/session

Basic Configuration

You aren't required to pass anything in to use the default settings with your session. You can read about more settings in the Github Readme.

use Ghostff\Session\Session;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = Flight::app();

$app->register('session', Session::class);

// one thing to remember is that you must commit your session on each page load
// or you'll need to run auto_commit in your configuration. 

Simple Example

Here's a simple example of how you might use this.

Flight::route('POST /login', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();

    // do your login logic here
    // validate password, etc.

    // if the login is successful
    $session->set('is_logged_in', true);
    $session->set('user', $user);

    // any time you write to the session, you must commit it deliberately.

// This check could be in the restricted page logic, or wrapped with middleware.
Flight::route('/some-restricted-page', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();

    if(!$session->get('is_logged_in')) {

    // do your restricted page logic here

// the middleware version
Flight::route('/some-restricted-page', function() {
    // regular page logic
})->addMiddleware(function() {
    $session = Flight::session();

    if(!$session->get('is_logged_in')) {

More Complex Example

Here's a more complex example of how you might use this.

use Ghostff\Session\Session;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = Flight::app();

// set a custom path to your session configuration file and give it a random string for the session id
$app->register('session', Session::class, [ 'path/to/session_config.php', bin2hex(random_bytes(32)) ], function(Session $session) {
        // or you can manually override configuration options
            // if you want to store your session data in a database (good if you want something like, "log me out of all devices" functionality)
            Session::CONFIG_DRIVER        => Ghostff\Session\Drivers\MySql::class,
            Session::CONFIG_ENCRYPT_DATA  => true,
            Session::CONFIG_SALT_KEY      => hash('sha256', 'my-super-S3CR3T-salt'), // please change this to be something else
            Session::CONFIG_AUTO_COMMIT   => true, // only do this if it requires it and/or it's hard to commit() your session.
                                                   // additionally you could do Flight::after('start', function() { Flight::session()->commit(); });
            Session::CONFIG_MYSQL_DS         => [
                'driver'    => 'mysql',             # Database driver for PDO dns eg(mysql:host=...;dbname=...)
                'host'      => '',         # Database host
                'db_name'   => 'my_app_database',   # Database name
                'db_table'  => 'sessions',          # Database table
                'db_user'   => 'root',              # Database username
                'db_pass'   => '',                  # Database password
                'persistent_conn'=> false,          # Avoid the overhead of establishing a new connection every time a script needs to talk to a database, resulting in a faster web application. FIND THE BACKSIDE YOURSELF

Help! My Session Data is Not Persisting!

Are you setting your session data and it's not persisting between requests? You might have forgotten to commit your session data. You can do this by calling $session->commit() after you've set your session data.

Flight::route('POST /login', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();

    // do your login logic here
    // validate password, etc.

    // if the login is successful
    $session->set('is_logged_in', true);
    $session->set('user', $user);

    // any time you write to the session, you must commit it deliberately.

The other way around this is when you setup your session service, you have to set auto_commit to true in your configuration. This will automatically commit your session data after each request.

$app->register('session', Session::class, [ 'path/to/session_config.php', bin2hex(random_bytes(32)) ], function(Session $session) {
            Session::CONFIG_AUTO_COMMIT   => true,

Additionally you could do Flight::after('start', function() { Flight::session()->commit(); }); to commit your session data after each request.


Visit the Github Readme for full documentation. The configuration options are well documented in the default_config.php file itself. The code is simple to understand if you wanted to peruse this package yourself.