Flight comes with a helper class for PDO. It allows you to easily query your database with all the prepared/execute/fetchAll() wackiness. It greatly simplifies how you can query your database. Each row result is returned as a Flight Collection class which allows you to access your data via array syntax or object syntax.
// Register the PDO helper class Flight::register('db', \flight\database\PdoWrapper::class, ['mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cool_db_name', 'user', 'pass', [ PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'utf8mb4\'', PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES => false, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ] ]);
This object extends PDO so all the normal PDO methods are available. The following methods are added to make querying the database easier:
runQuery(string $sql, array $params = []): PDOStatement
Use this for INSERTS, UPDATES, or if you plan on using a SELECT in a while loop
$db = Flight::db(); $statement = $db->runQuery("SELECT * FROM table WHERE something = ?", [ $something ]); while($row = $statement->fetch()) { // ... } // Or writing to the database $db->runQuery("INSERT INTO table (name) VALUES (?)", [ $name ]); $db->runQuery("UPDATE table SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", [ $name, $id ]);
fetchField(string $sql, array $params = []): mixed
Pulls the first field from the query
$db = Flight::db(); $count = $db->fetchField("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE something = ?", [ $something ]);
fetchRow(string $sql, array $params = []): array
Pulls one row from the query
$db = Flight::db(); $row = $db->fetchRow("SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE id = ?", [ $id ]); echo $row['name']; // or echo $row->name;
fetchAll(string $sql, array $params = []): array
Pulls all rows from the query
$db = Flight::db(); $rows = $db->fetchAll("SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE something = ?", [ $something ]); foreach($rows as $row) { echo $row['name']; // or echo $row->name; }
This also has a helpful wrapper for IN() statements. You can simply pass a single question mark as a placeholder for IN() and then an array of values. Here is an example of what that might look like:
$db = Flight::db(); $name = 'Bob'; $company_ids = [1,2,3,4,5]; $rows = $db->fetchAll("SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE name = ? AND company_id IN (?)", [ $name, $company_ids ]);
// Example route and how you would use this wrapper Flight::route('/users', function () { // Get all users $users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users'); // Stream all users $statement = Flight::db()->runQuery('SELECT * FROM users'); while ($user = $statement->fetch()) { echo $user['name']; // or echo $user->name; } // Get a single user $user = Flight::db()->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [123]); // Get a single value $count = Flight::db()->fetchField('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users'); // Special IN() syntax to help out (make sure IN is in caps) $users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)', [[1,2,3,4,5]]); // you could also do this $users = Flight::db()->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?)', [ '1,2,3,4,5']); // Insert a new user Flight::db()->runQuery("INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", ['Bob', 'bob@example.com']); $insert_id = Flight::db()->lastInsertId(); // Update a user Flight::db()->runQuery("UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", ['Bob', 123]); // Delete a user Flight::db()->runQuery("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?", [123]); // Get the number of affected rows $statement = Flight::db()->runQuery("UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE name = ?", ['Bob', 'Sally']); $affected_rows = $statement->rowCount(); });