FlightPHP Session - Lightweight File-Based Session Handler

This is a lightweight, file-based session handler plugin for the Flight PHP Framework. It provides a simple yet powerful solution for managing sessions, with features like non-blocking session reads, optional encryption, auto-commit functionality, and a test mode for development. Session data is stored in files, making it ideal for applications that don’t require a database.

If you do want to use a database, check out the ghostff/session plugin with many of these same features but with a database backend.

Visit the Github repository for the full source code and details.


Install the plugin via Composer:

composer require flightphp/session

Basic Usage

Here’s a simple example of how to use the flightphp/session plugin in your Flight application:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use flight\Session;

$app = Flight::app();

// Register the session service
$app->register('session', Session::class);

// Example route with session usage
Flight::route('/login', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();
    $session->set('user_id', 123);
    $session->set('username', 'johndoe');
    $session->set('is_admin', false);

    echo $session->get('username'); // Outputs: johndoe
    echo $session->get('preferences', 'default_theme'); // Outputs: default_theme

    if ($session->get('user_id')) {
        Flight::json(['message' => 'User is logged in!', 'user_id' => $session->get('user_id')]);

Flight::route('/logout', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();
    $session->clear(); // Clear all session data
    Flight::json(['message' => 'Logged out successfully']);


Key Points

  • Non-Blocking: Uses read_and_close for session start by default, preventing session locking issues.
  • Auto-Commit: Enabled by default, so changes are saved automatically on shutdown unless disabled.
  • File Storage: Sessions are stored in the system temp directory under /flight_sessions by default.


You can customize the session handler by passing an array of options when registering:

// Yep, it's a double array :)
$app->register('session', Session::class, [ [
    'save_path' => '/custom/path/to/sessions',         // Directory for session files
    'prefix' => 'myapp_',                              // Prefix for session files
    'encryption_key' => 'a-secure-32-byte-key-here',   // Enable encryption (32 bytes recommended for AES-256-CBC)
    'auto_commit' => false,                            // Disable auto-commit for manual control
    'start_session' => true,                           // Start session automatically (default: true)
    'test_mode' => false                               // Enable test mode for development
] ]);

Configuration Options

Option Description Default Value
save_path Directory where session files are stored sys_get_temp_dir() . '/flight_sessions'
prefix Prefix for the saved session file sess_
encryption_key Key for AES-256-CBC encryption (optional) null (no encryption)
auto_commit Auto-save session data on shutdown true
start_session Start the session automatically true
test_mode Run in test mode without affecting PHP sessions false
test_session_id Custom session ID for test mode (optional) Randomly generated if not set

Advanced Usage

Manual Commit

If you disable auto-commit, you must manually commit changes:

$app->register('session', Session::class, ['auto_commit' => false]);

Flight::route('/update', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();
    $session->set('key', 'value');
    $session->commit(); // Explicitly save changes

Session Security with Encryption

Enable encryption for sensitive data:

$app->register('session', Session::class, [
    'encryption_key' => 'your-32-byte-secret-key-here'

Flight::route('/secure', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();
    $session->set('credit_card', '4111-1111-1111-1111'); // Encrypted automatically
    echo $session->get('credit_card'); // Decrypted on retrieval

Session Regeneration

Regenerate the session ID for security (e.g., after login):

Flight::route('/post-login', function() {
    $session = Flight::session();
    $session->regenerate(); // New ID, keep data
    // OR
    $session->regenerate(true); // New ID, delete old data

Middleware Example

Protect routes with session-based authentication:

Flight::route('/admin', function() {
    Flight::json(['message' => 'Welcome to the admin panel']);
})->addMiddleware(function() {
    $session = Flight::session();
    if (!$session->get('is_admin')) {
        Flight::halt(403, 'Access denied');

This is just a simple example of how to use this in middleware. For a more in depth example, see the middleware documentation.


The Session class provides these methods:

  • set(string $key, $value): Stores a value in the session.
  • get(string $key, $default = null): Retrieves a value, with an optional default if the key doesn’t exist.
  • delete(string $key): Removes a specific key from the session.
  • clear(): Deletes all session data, but keeps the same file name for the session.
  • commit(): Saves the current session data to the file system.
  • id(): Returns the current session ID.
  • regenerate(bool $deleteOldFile = false): Regenerates the session ID including creating a new session file, keeping all the old data and the old file remains on the system. If $deleteOldFile is true, the old session file is deleted.
  • destroy(string $id): Destroys a session by ID and deletes the session file from the system. This is part of the SessionHandlerInterface and $id is required. Typical usage would be $session->destroy($session->id()).
  • getAll() : Returns all data from current session.

All methods except get() and id() return the Session instance for chaining.

Why Use This Plugin?

  • Lightweight: No external dependencies—just files.
  • Non-Blocking: Avoids session locking with read_and_close by default.
  • Secure: Supports AES-256-CBC encryption for sensitive data.
  • Flexible: Auto-commit, test mode, and manual control options.
  • Flight-Native: Built specifically for the Flight framework.

Technical Details

  • Storage Format: Session files are prefixed with sess_ and stored in the configured save_path. Encrypted data uses an E prefix, plaintext uses P.
  • Encryption: Uses AES-256-CBC with a random IV per session write when an encryption_key is provided.
  • Garbage Collection: Implements PHP’s SessionHandlerInterface::gc() to clean up expired sessions.


Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Report bugs or suggest features via the Github issue tracker.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. See the Github repository for details.