
This page will help you troubleshoot common issues that you may run into when using Flight.

Common Issues

404 Not Found or Unexpected Route Behavior

If you are seeing a 404 Not Found error (but you swear on your life that it's really there and it's not a typo) this actually could be a problem with you returning a value in your route endpoint instead of just echoing it. The reason for this is intentional but could sneak up on some developers.

Flight::route('/hello', function(){
    // This might cause a 404 Not Found error
    return 'Hello World';

// What you probably want
Flight::route('/hello', function(){
    echo 'Hello World';

The reason for this is because of a special mechanism built into the router that handles the return output as a single to "go to the next route". You can see the behavior documented in the Routing section.

Class Not Found (autoloading not working)

There could be a couple reasons for this one not happening. Below are some examples but make sure you also check out the autoloading section.

Incorrect File Name

The most common is that the class name doesn't match the file name.

If you have a class named MyClass then the file should be named MyClass.php. If you have a class named MyClass and the file is named myclass.php then the autoloader won't be able to find it.

Incorrect Namespace

If you are using namespaces, then the namespace should match the directory structure.

// code

// if your MyController is in the app/controllers directory and it's namespaced
// this will not work.
Flight::route('/hello', 'MyController->hello');

// you'll need to pick one of these options
Flight::route('/hello', 'app\controllers\MyController->hello');
// or if you have a use statement up top

use app\controllers\MyController;

Flight::route('/hello', [ MyController::class, 'hello' ]);
// also can be written
Flight::route('/hello', MyController::class.'->hello');
// also...
Flight::route('/hello', [ 'app\controllers\MyController', 'hello' ]);

path() not defined

In the skeleton app, this is defined inside the config.php file, but in order for your classes to be found, you need to make sure that the path() method is defined (probably to the root of your directory) before you try to use it.

// Add a path to the autoloader